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35 | Human.

"NOEL, you are sentenced to death, for the penalty of your crimes." Caius announced loudly, standing from his throne and walking down the grand steps.

He wore a sinister smirk as he approached the young newborn. The female newborn cried out, and attempted to run away. Alec; however, saw this coming and immediately gripped the girl tightly in his arms.

She struggled against his hold, her pink hair falling in her eyes. This newborn was odd. When she was human, her hair was colored pink; therefore, it transferred over to her immortal life leaving her hair stained a neon pink. It was obvious that because of this reason, Caius disliked her more than usual.

Unfortunately for her she held no gift, rendering her useless for the Volturi. Apparently her creator left her before she awoke, and she killed an entire bus full of people. The laws clearly state that even if the newborn doesn't know about the laws, they are still considered guilty.

The pink-haired girl let out a scream once she saw Caius getting nearer. Alec was having a hard time keeping her still, as her strength currently far surpassed his own. Jane saw this and opted to helping her twin out by using her gift on the girl. I couldn't help but look away as the girl fell to the ground screaming. The only reason I was even in here was because I had to ask Aro a question, and came in during the beginning the girl's trial.

The girl's pained scream stopped quickly, the only sound being marble clashing on the ground. Aro looked at the girl's body before shaking his head. "I feel as though creators are becoming careless when it comes to their newborns." Aro told Marcus and Caius, who had just sat back down.

I don't think anyone really noticed me walk in, as they were all pretty caught up on the girl's story when I sneaked in. Just as I was about to say something, a human woman walked in. This was a different woman from the one I saw a few weeks prior, causing me to believe the other lady met her demise.

Her heels clicked as she walked over to the grand steps leading to the thrones. Aro stood with a happy smile and clap of his hands. "Helena has brought us something." Aro said, excitedly gazing at the letter which was sat neatly on a silver platter.

"She is walking too loud." Caius sneered, obviously wanting an excuse to kill the woman.

Aro turned to him with a frown. "Brother, she was hired just this morning. Give her a few days." Aro ended the sentence smirking.

Marcus looked around in boredom, before his gaze suddenly snapped to my form leaning against the wall. Once our eyes met, I gave him an eager wave - practically bouncing in my spot. He gave a small wave back with a chuckle before looking to Aro.

Aro paid no mind to the interaction that just happened as he was too busy taking the letter from the silver platter. He kept eye contact with the human as he took the letter. As soon as he had taken it, the woman bowed her head respectfully and took a step back. He gave her a smirk, before opening the letter.

"Oh! Brother's, the Rare Winter Solstice has arrived once more!" Aro turned to his brothers, his voice chirpy.

"Thank you, Helena. You may go." Aro dismissed the human, before taking a seat back in his thrown.

"What covens will be attending this year?" Caius asked, resting his head against his palm.

"The Irish, Olympic, Denali, Egyptian, and Hong Kong?" Aro said the last part more as a question.

"We were not informed of the assembly of a new coven!" Caius angrily yelled, outraged.

"Calm brother, we can sort it out when we get there." Aro said, pausing reading over the letter. "There will be about fifteen nomads, and around thirty high-ranking humans." Aro said.

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