[what a wonderful world.]

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09 | What a Wonderful World.

DANGER, the possibility of suffering harm or injury.

Within the past hour alone I had shown signs of being of a complete danger to the community. Within the past hour alone I had taken a person from someone else's life. Within the past hour alone I had killed over fifty people.

Now, let me take a guess and say the question you must be asking right now is 'do you feel remorseful?'

I'm going to give you a straight and honest answer here, no. I haven't an ounce of guilt weighing me down, Why? Because I was protecting SHARE.

In bringing me back from the dead they had gifted me with abilities far beyond belief, they had gifted me with something only told in fictional tales.

The best part? I am capable of more. I can feel it deep in the depths of myself, just waiting to be awakened. I could feel it sat there like gold that has yet to be discovered.

I knew I should feel guilty about taking all those lives, but then again should I? I mean all those people had taken countless lives themselves - they were all working for an illegal terrorist group who has taken hundreds upon hundreds of innocent lives. Perhaps I had saved more lives than I took today?

We were currently sat in the car on our way back to the facility. Laura had told me that Dr. Carson, Carlisle, and Carlisle's 'friends from Italy' all waited for my arrival. Apparently, Dr. Carson was taking serious consideration in sending me away to Italy with the Volturi.

Not that I necessarily had a problem with that, it just was sort of odd that Dr. Carson was being so trustworthy about this. Carlisle must've said something to help sway his decision; I can't imagine he'd be allowing this any other way.

From what I'd seen of Aro Volturi so far was an extremely handsome man, who hated being lied to. He had a sort of aura around him that screamed dominance. It pulled me in and left me attracted with feelings I'd never felt before.

"We'll be there in five minutes," Laura spoke to me. I simply nodded my head in reply getting sucked back into my personal thoughts of Aro Volturi.


"Disinfection shower proceeding, now." The robotic voice spoke high powered jets of boiling hot water beginning to spray my entire body coming right after.

The heat of it made me hiss in slight pain. This was not the enjoyable kind of heat that would warm you up, and make you feel sleepy. No, this was the kind of heat that made you wish you could jump into the icy Arctic Ocean.

After we had entered SHARE, Laura had brought me into my unit of the facility. I was told to take a disinfectant shower and then wait for her to come back. Currently, I was sat in my old bathroom which was connected to my old room in the facility.

For the next five minutes straight I was forced to endure the unpleasantness of the heat and power of the water jets splaying across my body. It was like a car wash in my opinion. It would spray me with water, then soap, and continue in that order for the next five minutes straight until I was deemed sanitary.

It didn't get any better after that then high powered winds would come out of the jets that were spraying water and would dry me until I was completely clean. This was apparently a more efficient way to dry, rather than towels. At first, I had never experienced any other shower so it didn't bother me - but after the Cullen's shower, I started noticing the differences.

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