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45 | Jolene.

IN a quick fluent motion, I was sitting upright on the operating table. On the other side of the room, Carlisle and Patrick were talking in hushed tones pointing to multiple pictures of my brain.

Looking down I noticed my clothes had been changed, I was wearing the usual white standard clothing from SHARE. I was confused, I remembered everything, I am Jolene. However, I felt different. Different than the last I remembered being myself, which was right before I died. I felt stronger, faster, and many more explainable oddities. I still remembered everything I did as Frankie, my love for Aro being top.

My head felt free, it felt good. Before it was like a constant pressure, but now it was just free. I guess before it didn't bother me much, because I had known nothing else other than the pressure. Now, I don't think I could ever go back to that pressure.

My eyes caught sight of someone standing beside the doorway looking out. It was a man dressed in clothing from the 1600's. Oh yes, I had almost forgotten of my ability - I suppose the chip that was in my head, was blocking the part of the brain that controlled my medium abilities. I watched the man look around sadly, before he began walking out of the room. I could sense his want to move on, and I felt a strong urge to help him.

I couldn't do that though, I had stuff I had to sort out here. Suddenly, my thoughts went to Maverick. My brother, whom I loved, the one who sacrificed himself for me. I had to see him, he was here. My emotions took a sharp turn to the left, when a rush of sadness flowed through me. He sacrificed himself for me, and I did nothing to help him.

Before I could comprehend anything, my mind became a swarm of different thoughts when I remembered, I was in paradise. I was in Heaven, in the place where all was right. I was with the lord, and in complete peace. It was so beautiful, why was I back? How could my uncle do that to me, take me away from such a thing. It was against nature, this should be a crime. I should have stayed dead, how dare he bring me back!

A violent anger erupted in me, something dangerous, untamed. All this anger was directed straight at my uncle. What was happening to me?

I began breathing heavy, trying to calm myself to no avail. Everything item in the room began shaking harshly, as my body trembled. My uncle took away everything from me, heaven, my family, my name, my memories, he took away my life! I will never forgive him. Slowly, I turned my head to look at the two doctors who stood looking around the shaking room in confusion.

Patrick turned to look at me, his eyes widening. "You're awake!"

Carlisle followed Patrick's lead and looked at me, his eyes growing in size too. I watched as he looked around in confusion, before taking a deep inhale of the air. He looked at me in shock, shaking his head.

"Your eyes are black." I barely heard Carlisle mutter, with my enhanced hearing.

I payed no mind to that though, keeping a cold glare at my uncle.

"You son of a bitch!" I roared, jumping at him.

No one had time to process anything, as I was on top of Patrick pinning him to the ground. My hands strangled his neck, as I attempted murdering him.

"You took me from paradise, I'll kill you!" I screamed, my voice raw with emotion.

I could feel Carlisle's hands on my shoulder's. He began trying to pry me from him, but I wouldn't budge.

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