[the chain.]

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47 | The Chain.

"AND if you don't love me now, you will never love me again. I can still hear you saying, you would never break the chain." Hadlee's voice gently flowed in my ear.

I groaned being awoken, but couldn't stop the small smile from spreading across my lips. This was what I missed most about Hadlee, her love for music. I wasn't going to lie, my own love for music originated from Hadlee.

Groggily, I peeked one eye open only to see Hadlee sitting on the edge on my bed, her tongue poking from her red painted lips. Next to her was a small radio playing 'The Chain'. Carefully, she painted her big toe nail the color of the ocean. Hadlee was by far the most 'dressy' of all of us. She preferred wearing clothes that were 'in style', and making herself look only the best.

It worked as everywhere she went, she constantly had guys swooning over her. Not the she ever paid any mind to them, she had her life devoted to finding 'the one'. I applauded her for that, as many girls would love to be in her place with guys always swooning.

When I was younger I would try to be like her. I would play dress up, and allow her to make me into her own personal 'Barbie doll'. As soon as I hit age ten, this all stopped. I realized that I was more like Donica in that aspect - with my preference of converse and flannels over heels and handbags. Hadlee was not happy about that, but she got over it soon.

My attention was then diverted to where Donica sat in the corner lightly humming along to the familiar tune, as she drew in her sketchbook. Donica was the best older sister anyone could ask for. No matter what the issue was, she always seemed to have an answer. She was also really overprotective of us all, not that I minded. In her mind, family came before all else. Donica was a true-born leader at heart, always stepping up to the plate.

Maverick was sitting on his bed, looking wide awake. I noticed that he had changed into clothes alike to mine. He wore the pristine white shirt, and pants - his shoes sitting on the floor by the bed. He alike to Hadlee was softly singing the lyrics to one of our families 'classic' songs.

The Chain, by Fleetwood Mac was considered a legend in the Carson family. Every single person, including my uncle knew the lyrics by heart. It was just a song, that you could listen to a thousand time over again and never get tired of.

My personal 'archive of music' was generally based on songs, from the past generations. The reason I had been in love with Proud Mary, was because that was actually one of my favorite songs as well. It wasn't only me who enjoyed music from the past, it was all of us. The six members of my family agreed that most music now days is trash.

I suppose our love for old music came from our dad though. It was only fact that his favorite band was AC/DC, and that he refused the listen to anything from 2005 and above.

"Break the silence, damn the dark, damn the light." I belted out the lyrics, in melody.

My siblings looked to me with a grin, all singing along.

"And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again. I can still hear you saying, you would never break the chain." We all sang along to the chorus, quite loudly.

As the instrumental part began playing, Maverick started beating on the air - as if drums were in front of him. I along with my two sister's laughed loudly at Maverick. Maverick was a sight for sore eyes, to say the least. His sandy blonde hair, and tall muscular stature drove girls insane. However, alike to Hadlee he was also awaiting for 'the one'. Donica used to be the same way, but it appears she had already found her true love.

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