[drumming song.]

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17 | Drumming Song.

"CARLISLE." My voice was just above a whisper, as I spoke on the phone.

We had gotten back just an hour ago, and I had practically run to Aro's chambers. Chelsea offered to help me put all the clothes away, but I told her that I would probably take a nap first to catch up on my missing sleep.

Of course, that was a lie, considering that with how I currently felt I most likely wouldn't be able to sleep anytime soon. No matter how much I wanted to.

The Advil somewhat worked for about thirty minutes of the trip before it wore off and left me feeling sick to my stomach. I was surprised that I had managed not to barf throughout the car ride.

The three had noticed something off about me, but I simply played it off as being tired. I was trying refrain Aro from finding out about my sickness, partly because I didn't want his guard getting in trouble for feeding me food which I wasn't allowed to have, the other part being I simply didn't want to come off as troublesome. I didn't want Aro stressing over my health when he had more important matters to attend to. Plus, I'm sure to a vampire, human things like this must've been extra gross.

The chocolate bar didn't help at all. It made it worse if anything. After running a marathon to get to Aro's chamber's I was immediately over the toilet puking up what felt like my intestines. That traumatic experience lasted a total of five minutes until I finally had nothing left to puke up.

I now stood in front of the bathroom mirror on the phone with Carlisle, because I was at a loss for what to do. Staring back at me was an obviously unhealthy girl. My face was sickly pale, and purple almost black bags were under my eyes.

"Frankie? It's so good to hear from you, how's everything going?" Carlisle's voice came through the speaker.

"Everything's good, but I had to call with some really bad news," I said bringing a hand up to let my hair out of the bun.

"What's wrong?" He asked his voice taking a serious tone.

"Okay, to cut a long story short, I saved Demetri from some weirdo but ended up eating a 'vegetarian' pizza. It's been about an hour and a half since I ate it, and Advil didn't help." I spoke in a rushed tone.

"Frankie! Why would you do that! Don't remember what happened the last time you ate something without meat? You didn't even eat the entire salad, and you were still sick for days! At least tell me you didn't eat the whole thing?" Carlisle scolded through the phone.

"I know, I know, I wasn't thinking about the consequences of my actions. Unfortunately, I did eat the whole thing." I sighed, earning an annoyed huff from him.

"Frankie, you're going to be bedridden within the hour. You're most likely going to feel even worse than last time since you ate the entire thing." Carlisle informed.

"I know, I already vomited everything up, and my body's beginning to feel achy - like it's shutting down on me. Is there anything I can do?" I asked resting a palm against my forehead. "Darn it, I'm already burning up," I added upon feeling my warm head.

"Everything that could even possibly help is back at the lab, you could try over-the-counter medication, but I doubt that would do very much. If it comes down to it, they may need to just knock you out with high anesthetics. Here, let me talk to Aro because he's going to need to know exactly how much anesthetic you should be taking." Carlisle stated over the phone.

"Aha, well...um...you see, it's quite the funny story..." I trailed off getting interrupted by Carlisle "Frankie, what's going on?" He questioned sternly, in a fatherly manner.

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