[who are you really?]

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39 | Who are you really?

"OKAY, I have literally tried every trick in the book and nothing is working!" My voice screamed in frustration.

I watched in amazement as an image of myself paced along, running her hands through her hair. Looking around all I could see was white, the only figures in sight was copycat, and myself.

"Hey listen, copycat. I am done with this, you either tell me why your here - or else..." I trailed off not knowing what to threaten her with.

Copycat looked at me unimpressed, letting out a humorless laugh. "Or else what? If you haven't noticed, we are the exact same. Nothing you can do will hurt me." She sasses at me, popping her hip out.

Before I could reply, she suddenly began sniffing the air really loudly. I looked at her with a disturbed expression - as she sniffed about. "That's weird, stop." I told her, taking a disgusted step back from myself.

It made it even worse ,that she looked exactly like me doing this. I shuddered making a mental note to never sniff like that.

"Have you lost our virginity?" She ignored my previous comment, looking to me wide-eyed. "You did, didn't you! Oh, this is just great - our soulmate made love to us and he doesn't even know who we truly are!" She cried frustrated. "Fan-fucking-tastic!"

"Our mate?" I asked, lowly.
I wasn't too keen on sharing Aro.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm you and your me - it's just a matter of time at this point before we're combined. Put some clothes on by the way, I don't like seeing myself naked from this perspective." Copycat sighed.

A chair suddenly appeared behind her and she sat down. I was confused as to what she was talking about until I could see I had no clothes on. I squeaked attempting to cover myself from her, earning a snort in reply.

"Are you kidding me right now? You are seriously trying to cover your naked glory, from yourself. Stop being over dramatic." I felt offended by her words, looking at her with furrowed brows.

"You would do the same." I defended, awkwardly covering my breast and bringing my leg over in a sad attempt at hiding my vagina.

She raised an eyebrow leaning back in her seat. In an instant her clothes disappeared and there I was staring at my copy, stark-naked. She was right, it is weird to see yourself from this perspective.

"Okay, I see your point, just put your clothes back on!" She snickered, before her clothes were on her again.

I quickly imagined myself in pajama's, hoping it would work. Luckily, it did as I was soon covered by warm pajama's. With a sigh I looked around at the white, there was seriously nothing here.

"Where are we?"

"In the deepest parts of our mind. One of the parts which the damn chip is blocking, I have been trying for over a year to get past it. God, I hate uncle Patrick - I swear once we're combined, I will kill him." She growled the last part, dangerously.

"Uncle Patrick? And, what do you mean by 'combined'?" I crinkled my nose at the last part.

"Excuse me, I mean't 'Dr. Carson'. And combined meaning, memories. I am your memories, I am who you are. As soon as we are combined - we will be complete. No more blank spaces, no more confusion or fear." She said, with a large smile.

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