[o' death.]

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48 | O' death.

THEY say death is the worst possible scenario, but is it really? Pondering on the thought now, I realize that I would much rather go back to being dead - then staying in this unnatural life. I personally am embracing the thought of death, as I wanted nothing more than to go back to peace.

Death lightly stroked my hair as he stood above me. I shuddered, enjoying his peaceful touch - it seemed to take all the whirlwind of emotions away. He gazed down at me, obviously wanting the answer as to how I was still here.

"Death?" My brother stated, panic lacing his tone. "Wait, if your touch kills - stop touching her!" He yelled in fright, looking to where Death's hand pet my scalp.

"Do not worry, her connection to spirits allows for me to freely touch her." Death smiled, before a focused look crossed him. "It has come to my attention that a rather odd anomaly has occurred. This anomaly being our little wonder girl." Death said, his words flowing like honey. "Tell me how it is you are here, and not in Heaven?" He questioned.

I was proven unable to answer him, as his touch on my hair was too distracting. It wasn't the sort of touch that a lover held, more like the relief a pain medication brought you. Something about it just seemed to remind me of Heaven, and God himself. With a sigh he discovered I wasn't going to be telling him anytime soon.

"I'm terribly sorry about the invasion of privacy." Death swallowed, "But I must see how it is you're here, so..." He trailed off, placing his cold hands to the side of my head.

A sudden icy feeling seeped into my mind, and I knew that was Death gathering all of my memories. It wasn't a surprise he was able to do this as this was Death we were talking about.

"What are you doing!" Maverick frantically questioned, looking back and forth between us worriedly.

"Do not worry, I wish to help her. However, I cannot do this without knowledge. I am simply obtaining the information I need." He muttered, quietly - his gaze set a drift as if he were staring at something invisible.

Before Maverick could comment the door swung open, and in walked my dad followed by everyone else.

"Patrick, I don't think you being in her sights is a good idea." Laura's voice flowed in.

"Who the hell is this, and what are you doing to my daughter." My dad froze, looking to the scene before him wide-eyed.

Patrick froze along with my sisters, Laura, and Carlisle. Aro simply began a low threatening growl along with the rest of the Volturi guard. Dora looked particularly protective, as her eyes scanned Death dangerously. It was apparent the vampires suspected Death to be a vampire, considering he had no heartbeat, and was enthralling beautiful.

"I am Death, and I am looking at your daughter's memories." Death bluntly replied, his eyes gazing off somewhere else.

"Yeah right, get the hell out of here now!" My mother furiously roared, coming close to my father.

"No wait, he's telling the truth. This is Death." Maverick defended, jumping in front of us. "He's helping her!" He said, looking to my parents pleadingly.

With a sigh, Death looked to everyone - his eyes flashing their unnatural bright blue. "I am Death, an ancient primordial being of great power and vast knowledge. Though, throughout the years no one has ever surprised me more than your daughter." He aimed towards my parents.

"It saddened me immensely when I had to carry her soul up to Heaven, but I couldn't do anything. There is one rule that is never to be broken, what is dead stays dead. I see now that you have taken it upon yourself to evade that rule, Patrick Carson." Death sneered at my uncle, his glare threatening.

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