[if i die young.]

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43 | If I Die Young.

FOR Jolene Emery Carson, life was a complete oddball. From the second she opened her eyes spirits had gathered around her. She was a medium, someone who could help them pass from this life to the next. In the eyes of the dead, Jolene was considered something of a savior to them. They held high hopes for her, as she was one in three mediums worldwide. She was far more powerful than the other two.

Jolene was the youngest of the Carson sibling's, making her the 'baby' of the family. Naturally everyone was protective of her because of this reason. Jolene was a free-spirit by heart. She had chameleon soul, and was driven by ambition to help as many people as she could. She dreamed of traveling the world, that was the only thing she was sure of in her life.

Jolene was always an unusual girl, she had no fixed personality - her father swore that she changed every month. Every week she had a different favorite color, a different view of the world, and a different vision on what she thought about life. Sometimes, she swore life was a gift, while other's she would claim it to be a curse. A punishment from God.

Unlike most of her family she was not stubborn, quite the opposite. Her heart was too big, as Patrick would always tell her - she always seemed to see the good in people. Judgment never clouded her gaze, and her words were soft and loving. She almost seemed incapable of saying 'no', to strangers. Though, when it came down to her siblings, all she ever seemed to say was 'no'.

When Jolene died, it absolutely destroyed her family. First, they had lost their Maverick - to HYDRA. Then, their youngest member was taken away by the arms of death. Anthony never could forgive himself for sending her away, and he could never forgive his brother for what happened. This is the story of the birth and death of Jolene Carson.


Anthony bounced on his feet, nervousness etching his features. He scoffed at the idea of being nervous, he had already been in this situation three times prior. What was a fourth time?

'Everything.' An inner voice whispered in his mind.

That was true, this was everything to both Michelle and Anthony Carson. As far as they were concerned this would be their last child. They wanted to get everything right, like they had for the last three.

Currently Anthony's brother was out in the waiting room, watching Anthony's three children. Donica; who was six, Hadlee; the sassy-four-year old, and Maverick; the two-year old. Anthony paced the room, chewing his fingernails as his wife yelled.

"Get over here, Anthony!" Michelle whimpered, in between screams.

Anthony was over comforting his wife in seconds, soothingly rubbing her arms as she gave birth. Michelle took a breath, pausing as she panted. Sweat glistened her body, and her hospital gown stuck to her.

"One last push, the baby's almost here." The nurse informed Michelle, comfortingly.

"Come on, Shelly. This is the last time, no more babies after this one." Anthony joked, making his wife laugh through her pain.

That was what Michelle loved best about Anthony, he knew how to make her laugh even in the worst of times. With a final breath, Michelle clamped her eyes shut, yells of pain emitting from her.

Suddenly, baby cries replaced Michelle's pained screams. She opened her eyes, only to see the nurse standing with a tiny baby in her gloved hands.

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