[heavy in your arms.]

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33 | Heavy in your arms.

NEVER have I hated Aro Volturi more than I do now.

The reason behind this? He said it was okay for Heidi and Miranda to get me ready for tonight. Now, I'm sure you're thinking that's not a big deal, right? Wrong. Allow me to rephrase what I said. Heidi and Miranda. The two of them teamed up on me is possibly one of the worst scenarios I could ask for.

I was sat at the vanity in Miranda and Alexander's room, the two female's getting me ready. Miranda was on makeup duty, while Heidi was in charge of hair. I jumped when Heidi pulled really hard on my hair.

"Sorry, you just have so much hair." She muttered, focused on her work.

"Pucker your lips for me." Miranda ordered, biting her tongue as she painted my lips.

"Okay, and the hair is done!" Heidi exclaimed stepping away from me.

Miranda smiled, looking over my face. "Same for the makeup." She said.

Eagerly I looked in the vanity mirror and gaped at the fine work they had done. As conceited as it may sound, I looked beautiful. My curled flaming hair was pinned down - out of my face, with the exception of two pieces of hair curled down the sides. The makeup was phenomenal, it made me look almost like one of those graceful porcelain dolls. Suddenly the anger I felt toward Aro had diminished and was replaced with gratitude.

"Now for the dress!" Heidi excitedly said, holding up the navy blue dress Aro had gifted me with for Christmas.

After shimming my way into the dress, and the struggle it took to put the stilettos on - I was now ready for the evening of Opera. Apparently it would only be Caius, Dora, Marcus, Aro, and myself attending. Though Felix and Demetri were to come for protection as well.

"You look beautiful, Frankie." Heidi smiled at me, as the two of us walked toward the garage.

"Thank you, though these heels." I cut myself off by stumbling slightly. Heidi quickly grabbed my arm to keep me from falling. I blushed standing upright - continued walking. "Are really hard to walk in." I finished the sentence.

Heidi laughed, looking down at the heels. "Yes, but master Aro sure does have a gorgeous taste in clothing." She looked back up to me.

It was true. Aro did know how to shop for clothes. I only laughed in response, keeping pace as the two of us made our way through the corridor. Once we made it into the garage we were greeted by the sight of everyone.

Aro, Marcus, and Caius were all dressed in impeccable black tuxedos - increasing their already outstanding beauty. My attention was only on Aro's beauty though. He was the only one out of them who wore a bow tie, which I found suited him well. The waist coat he had underneath the jacket was only slightly visible. In all, the suit hugged his body in the correct fashion that made him look even more handsome.

Stood next to Caius was Dora, who looked just lovely. She wore a long dress - which was a bit older-fashioned, but gorgeous nonetheless. It was a sky-blue with gold littered around the entire thing. Her long thick hair fell down her body, and her beautiful figure seemed to be highlighted. In some ways I thought Athenodora looked similar to how people envisioned angels. The snow-hair, and heavenly features mainly are what gave someone the impression of an angel.

 The snow-hair, and heavenly features mainly are what gave someone the impression of an angel

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