[volturi waltz.]

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24 | Volturi Waltz.

LIFE is game made for everyone.

It's quite simple really. Your born. You drink. You eat. You sleep. You die. That's life for you, summed up in four different phases. Truthfully though, it's all just one big game of survival. The prize of this game; love. Love always seems to be the prize, doesn't it?

I could smell him before anything else. He seemed to have such a uniquely wonderful scent. It was hard to explain, but the easiest thing I could relate it too was almost like chocolate. Rich, creamy, smooth, and simply irresistible. I was aware just how naked the both of us were, the only thing separating us being our underwear.

Lightly I began drawing circles over his chest as I opened my eyes. His room had the same amount of brightness as last night. Because it had no windows it was basically a dimmed relaxing shade twenty-four-seven, the only exception being when the light turns off at night when I go to sleep. A purring noise left him as his hands grasped my waist tighter.

"Did you sleep well?" His low voice questioned me.

I nodded in reply staying snuggled close to him. My breast were pressed tightly up against his chest, our bodies completely flush together. I shifted slightly so half my leg was thrown across his lower half lazily.

"You know, I found myself constantly on the verge of waking you up last night." He growled in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Why?" I turned my head up so I was looking into his crimson eyes.

"Let's just say the sight and feeling of you practically bare on top of me was quite 'exciting'." He whispered the words lowly causing a thick blush to fall across my cheeks.

"Can we stay like this, just take a day to cuddle?" I pleaded with him, changing the subject.

He lightly stroked up and down my arms giving me a soft smile, "Unfortunately I have missed far too many court sessions within the past month, but I promise we'll have a day to just 'cuddle' soon." He brought his palm to my cheek, bringing my head up in a sweet kiss.

It lasted only a few moments - but it left my lips tingling. "I'm sorry about what happened to your flowers." I decided to bring up the subject.

"Oh yes, my darling Dahlia's were quite beautiful." Aro sighed whimsically. "But I suppose I can simply have the gardeners re-grow them."

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll grow back even prettier than before. Don't worry." I reassured him giving him a comforting smile. "Besides Alexander and Afton have double shift's, I'm sure they'll learn."

"Perhaps, I was too harsh on them. The two never have quite gotten along, and it was only a matter of time before they began to fight again." Aro sighed, looking to the ceiling thoughtfully.

That was one trait I truly loved about Aro. He was thoughtful in everything he did. The way he spoke and reacted mainly. He also had this bubble of a impressionable nature, almost child-like in some aspects. I wasn't going to lie on the outside he was in control of everything. It appeared that he was level-headed, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Inside him was chaos - pure madness. I could sense it, and I absolutely adored it. He had this sentimental streak to him as well, it didn't come out much, but it was there. Aro's personality in general was so unique, so different that it made it practically impossible to keep up with.

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