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42 | Soldier.

Jolene's life had been a series of incredibility. From the fact that her father was the superhero Iron Man, to mutation her and her siblings possessed. From day one Michelle Carson taught her children through home school. Despite the fact that the children had not gone to public school a day in their lives, their mother taught them far beyond the the normal curriculum - making them far smarter than the average teen.

Then again that family had never been normal. This was only showcased when Anthony found it in his best interest to teach his kids the art of self-defense. Now, each on his children knew how to shoot a gun perfectly, throw a dagger, wield a sword, fight in hand-to-hand combat well, and many more. Definitely not the standard curriculum.

There was a reason behind this training, though. In many eyes of society the mutant human was something to be frowned upon. Something of an abomination, something to be destroyed. This was why Anthony made it his life's mission to keep his children 'behind the scenes', even with his fame - he still found a way to keep them hidden. All the public knew was Anthony was married with four children, nothing more.

However, not all of society saw mutation this way. Other's saw it as perfection, they thought the entire human population should possess the mutant gene. Though, everyone knew it would be close to impossible for something like that to happen, especially with the negativity being a mutant was seen as. Therefore, many came to the conclusion that they should harness mutants, turn them into soldiers - protectors for the 'greater good'. In simpler terms that mean't kidnap powerful mutants, brainwash them, and transform them into brainless assassins.

HYDRA was one of the many terrorist organisations that participated in such activities. It was considered a norm for them to kidnap mutants and perform life-threatening experiments on them. Not many survived their cruel and unjust procedures, but those that did were made into the perfect weapon. A brainwashed human, with instincts driven to do whatever it was HYDRA told them to.

Anthony was wise enough to know, that if he didn't keep his family hidden well enough than HYDRA would no doubt catch on, and want his children. They would be dazzled at the lengths his wife could stretch. The way in which his oldest daughter; Donica could shapeshift and turn invisible, or how Hadlee's scream could kill a person - he didn't even want to think about her freezing gift. Maverick's ability to electrocute and teleport was a treasure. He couldn't even think about what they'd do when they learned of Jolene's gift. To have a medium at their side, it would make them more destructive than ever.

It was true that his kid's were more powerful than most mutants. The thought of sending them to Xavier's School for the Gifted Youngster's even crossed his mind multiple times. However, he knew his wife and him could never spend so long away from their children.

Eventually though, he knew HYDRA would catch on, and he dreaded the day it would come. Unfortunately it happened on a day that him, Michelle, Donica, and Hadlee were out. They came for his youngest children, Maverick and Jolene.

"I don't understand why it is, Donald Trump of all people feel's the need to run for president? I mean, he already has enough fame as it is." Jolene sighed, slouching as she sat on the sofa watching the NEW's with her brother.

The two Carson children were now in their late teens, Jolene; seventeen, and Maverick; nineteen. Jolene loved these days, the Saturday nights where they could just spend time together watching television.

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