[hear me coming.]

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FRANKENSTEIN36 | Hear Me Coming

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36 | Hear Me Coming.

"WE look hot." Miranda complimented.

The three of us stood in front of a full-length body mirror in Miranda and Alexander's bedroom. We were all done up and ready to go. I thought we looked good in the store, but now that our hair and makeup was done - we all looked killer. I can honestly say I have never looked better.

Chelsea and Miranda were standing a few inches taller, than I - because of their stiletto's. I was happy with my converse though, as I was correct and they did look great with the outfit. My hair was half up, and curled nicely on the part which was down. Miranda decided on placing her dark hair in a tight bun at the top of her head, while Chelsea flattened her hair.

Unfortunately Afton was away with Santiago on field work, so he couldn't be here to see Chelsea's phenomenal look - which she quite bummed about. Alexander, whom was coming simply resided in the rooms bathroom, getting himself ready.

"Ladies, you look lovely." Speak of the devil.

Alexander swaggered out, arrogantly walking up to Miranda. His eyes scanned her body approvingly, before he placed a kiss on her lips. Miranda rolled her eyes, but kissed back.

Alexander wore some odd Dolce and Gabbana tuxedo. Alike to Miranda's dress not a lot of people could pull off that suit, but Alexander managed to do it. Alexander would also most likely be a head turner for some ladies tonight.

"We need to hurry and get to the garage, we're suppose to be down there already." Chelsea said, walking out of the room.

We followed after her, Miranda and Chelsea's heels clicking as they walked. Miranda and Alexander whispered to each other in excitement, ready for the evening party.

"You two do realize it's not as fun, as Aro make's it sound, right?" Chelsea snickered at the two of them. "The best part of tonight was probably getting all dressed up."

Miranda only laughed, while Alexander smirked at her. "For one, with us there - we'll make it interesting. Two, don't you know where it's being held?" He rose an eyebrow at the two of us.

"No, why should we care. It's the same party either way." Chelsea rested a hand on her hip.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the amused looks the couple gave to each other.

"Chelsea, it's at the Quinn casino and resort." Miranda said in a way that mean't we should know what that means.

"And?" Chelsea and I looked at each other, both confused at why that's important.

"And, it's only one of the best hotels in Rome. The casino is enormous, and it has multiple little clubs scattered around. The party's being held in the grand ballroom, so it's not too far away from the action. It's just a shame we're not staying for a few days, because they're are even more activities to do during the day. So anyway, tonight if you need us - that's where you'll find us." Alexander announced, earning a smile from Miranda.

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