Pottertalia Houses (Just the extended Axis)

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So I like (Did you mean: fell in love with) Pottertalia, so let's go over my opinions for houses!


Everyone else: Slytherin

Me: Hufflepuff

Why: Sure, he's hostile, but he's not as cunning as he is willing to rush into a battle blindly to save his teammates. He cuts himself off because he thinks that if the bad guys were to know that he cared about and loved people, they'd try to hurt his loved ones, so he pushes them away in the public eye. TL;DR, he loves his friends and family so much that he pushes them away to protect them.


Everyone else: Hufflepuff

Me: Ravenclaw

Why: Do you know how hard making clothes is?! And you have to MATH SO MUCH. Plus, Ravenclaw is intelligence, yes, but it's also creativity. Though the smol could still be in Hufflepuff due to him being a big fluffy Sinnamon roll of love and emotions.


Everyone else: Slytherin

Me: Gryffindor

Why: He's stoic and a little mean, but he'll bravely and often unthinkingly rush into any battle to save those he considers his family, a quality he shares with Luciano.


Everyone else: Hufflepuff

Me: Ravenclaw

Why: He presents himself as a loveable comic relief character, when in actuality he's a genius. He is extremely clever and has a large imagination.


Everyone else: Hufflepuff

Me: Hufflepuff

Why: He's just the adorkable idiot that I love ohmygodddddddddddddddd (also it may or may not be because I want him to be in the same house as Luciano)



Why: Violet is short-tempered, cunning, and will often take the lead if Luciano doesn't do it within a minute. She cares much about her brothers which may land her in Hufflepuff, but her other traits outweigh it.


Everyone else: Hufflepuff or some shit

Me: Ravenclaw

Why: He is selectively mute, but that doesn't mean he's cut off entirely. He's very observant and that has trained him to understand some people better than the person themselves.

Das it

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