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  Luciano's fingers danced on the keys of the piano as he choked out a sob. He needed to get out his feelings, and music had always helped him in the past.

  "I saved every letter you wrote me, from the moment I read them I knew you were mine, you said you were mine, I thought you were mine." He sang, replaying in his head every time Siegfried had ever told him 'I love you'.

  "Do you know, what Flavio said, when we saw your first letter arrive? He said, 'Be careful with that one love, he will do what it takes to survive.'" And Luciano knew his brother was right.

  "You and your words flutted my senses, your sentences left me defenceless, you built me palaces out of paragraphs, you built cathedrals..." He trailed off, forfiting the rest of the line in favor of another loud sob. He didn't care who saw him cry that time.

  "I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me, I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line, for some kind of sign, of when you were mine." He shut his eyes for just a moment, to let the tears slip and roll down his cheeks. Siegfried said he was framed, but how could Luciano beleive him?

  "The world seemed to, burn."

  "Burn..." He repeated the word as if he hadn't sang it a first time.

  He took a breath and choked out another sob before he continued.

  "You published the letters she wrote you, you told the world how you brought this girl into your bed, and in clearing your name, you have ruined our lives." A bit of resentment was held in the last line. Luciano never thought he could hate Siegfried, but he remembered the absolute heartbreak and betrayal he felt when he read the letters in the paper. It felt like everything was falling apart.

  "Do you know what Flavio said, when he read what you'd done? He said, 'You have fallen for an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun.'" He remembered telling his brother he was right as his only true comfort left in a human hugged him close.

  "You and your words, obsessed with your legacies, your sentences border on senseless, and you are paranoid in every paragraph, how they perceive you, you, you, you..." He repeated the word a few times, heartbreak mixing with rage and creating a mess of emotions.

  He took another breath as fat tears rolled down his face and chin.

  "I'm erasing myself from the narritive, let future historians wonder how Luciano reacted when you broke his heart, you have torn it all apart, I'm watching it, burn." Glossy drops fell onto the keys as Luciano continued singing between sobs.

  "Watching it burn..." His sorrows mixed with anger once again on the next lines.

  "The world has no right to my heart, the world has no place in my bed, they don't get to know what I said, I'm burning the memories, burning the letters, that might have redeemed you!" He cried out in song, his mind painfully replaying every happy memory now percieved as a meaningless lie.

  "You forfit your rights to my heart, you forfit your place in my bed, you'll sleep in an office instead, with only the memory of when you were mine!" He was practically screaming the lyrics at this point, all the heartbreak, sorrow, self-hatred, rage, pain, and just about everything he'd kept locked away all those years came bubbling up into a broken cry for help.

  After calming down a small bit, his fingers danced lightly on the keys as his eyelids wavered half shut, not wanting to see anything much longer.

  "I... Hope... That... You... Burn..." He held the note as long as he could, the deepest parts of his heart not wanting to let go of what once was until he reman out of breath to hold on with, falling over the piano into heartbroken sobs.

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