Alternate quote names

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Luciano "its my wedding and I'll get wasted if I want to" Vargas

Flavio "If you touch my brother again I will carve out your intestines with a hairclip" Vargas

Santiago "I am a grown man and I will not cry over a chick flick" Carrido

Siegfried "I'm 23 and still live with my sister" Beilshmidt

Klaus "I am not okay with you" Beilshmidt

Violet "That's a nice head you've got there Santiago, would be a shame if I finally put it on my wall" Beilshmidt

Kuro "I'm japanese but if I just tell people I'm aisian no one can judge me for listining to k-pop" Honda

Allen "I don't take orders from children" Jones

Matt "No, Kuma doesn't bite, hehehe- ALLEN FUCK OFF FROM MY TRASH DISPOSAL- I MEAN BEAR" Williams

Oliver "Ice cream is good for the soul, especially at 3 am after you've made less than satisfactory life choices" Kirkland

Francios "I drink to forget but I always remember" Bonnefoy


Viktor "no" Braginsky

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