Werewolf (Werewolf!Luciano x Woodsman!Siegfried)

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(Reason: I like Werewolves)

Italics=Luciano's POV

Normal=Siegfried's POV

  I was running, running to god knows where, just running. I had to get away from these, these, creatures. I don't remember why I was in the woods to begin with, but I knew I had to get away. I had told my brother a long time ago that I wanted a pet wolf, but this was not what I expected. Actually, scratch that. These were not wolves. These were beasts. I thought I had almost escaped, even though no matter how far I ran, there were just trees. Then, I saw a light up ahead. I tried to run faster out of pure hope, but I was already at my limit of speed. I felt as if I ran much longer my legs would fall off. I guess that's why I slowed down the tiniest bit on that fateful night. Seconds later, claws dug deep into my arm as a row of sharp fangs sunk into my neck. I let out a scream of pain and tumbled to the ground, the beasts quickly crowding around me for a midnight snack. Black spots danced in my vision as I vaguely saw a large blade throw down onto the beasts in front of me, and the wielder continued to swing until they retreated. I thought I heard an accented voice ask if I was okay, but in the moments it took me to understand due to the pain in my neck and arm it was too late. I felt a warm touch on my shoulder, comforting to contrast the snow, and then I blacked out. 

  I stared at the young man I had brought into my house. I had treated his wounds, I knew he must have been turned from the scratch from the wolves, but I couldn't help but take him in. He seemed so helpless when his blood stained the snow, I couldn't just leave him. My sister always told me I was too kindhearted for my own good, and she might as well be right. But I still couldn't help but stare, admire. Did I mention he was gorgeous? His glossy red hair, his leathery tanned skin, he was absolutely beautiful. I wondered if he was royalty or something. I made a mental note to ask him when he wakes up. He was so perfect, he was practically glowing. Wait- no, he actually was glowing! I left the room so he could go through the transformation himself, as curious as I was. I laid down that night, before I fell asleep I thought to myself 'I've fallen in love with a werewolf.'

  I woke up the next morning with a throbbing pain in my head as all the memories from the night before poured into my head. That, luckily, provided answers to questions I hadn't asked yet, but also provided more questions. Where am I? Why are my wounds suddenly bandaged? What exactly happened while I was out? Who saved me? Am I in his house? I blushed to myself at the last question. I slipped out of the bed and regretted it. Every part of my lower body was sore. From running, of course. Get your mind out of the gutter. I passed a mirror and naturally glanced at my reflection before stopping short. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELLFUCK!? I had wolf ears and a tail!? I shook it off at the memory of being scratched by the beast last night. I went downstairs. I stepped to the bottom of the staircase despite my aching legs, and turned towards the couch that was to my left to see a man with bright indigo eyes and pale blond hair staring back at me. He was tall and muscular, and admittedly kind of hot. Wait what?

  I was face to face with the (now) werewolf I had rescued. He was so cute! His eyes... The most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I was at a loss for words at his eyes. They were a brilliant amethyst color, and shone like stars. I was so busy admiring him, I didn't realize he was talking until he yelled at me.

  "H-Hey! What are you staring at?"

  "You're beautiful." I blurted out, the first thing that came to my mind. A deep blush spread over his cheeks.

  "Wh-Who are you?" He asked. Then I realized that I didn't even know my prince's name.



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