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"Boss. Boss wake up!" I heard Siegfried whisper into my ear. I swatted him away and started to drift back to sleep, discussing voices fading away as everything became peaceful.

This lasted about three seconds.

I felt something launch onto my back, sending me tumbling with a cat-like screech. Wait what?

I blinked myself awake and glanced around the area that was clearly not my room.

"Siegfried where the hell are we?" I asked, glancing around but not seeing my friend. Despite knowing I wasn't lying down, I was basically at ground level.

"I don't know. We're cats, though." A white cat with golden patches and wearing Siegfried's brown hat answered. Standing next to him was a light brown cat wearing a pink ring over it's head.

At the sound of the screech, an alarmed man ran outside, we all recodnized him as Kuro's 1p.

Kiku looked to Pochi and Japan-Cat, confused. Before he could tun to go back inside, Kuro happily ran up to Kiku, ignoring Siegfried and I calling him back.

"H-Huh?!" He was shocked, taken aback by the cat suddenly running around his legs.



"And they were just out there." Kiku explained. Feliciano and Ludwig had expressions of thought for a moment before Feliciano went to pick one up.

The reddish cat panicked in his arms while being lifted into the air, the other two cats leaped up to save him, suddenly stopping when they didn't know what to do next.

The white cat meowed as if asking his panicked friend a question, which was only responded to by more distressed meowing.

"Do you think we could keep them?" Feliciano asked, pulling the shaking cat closer to his chest.

"I doubt that we could." Ludwig replied, to be responded with a sad sound from Feliciano.

A few moments later, the cats glowed and turned ino those we know as the 2p Axis. The three fell off the couch and it took a few moments for everyone to realize what was going on.

Once realization hit the room, our trio decided the best idea was to book it, not to be coming back for a while.

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