Drunk [1p/2p gerita ficlet]

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  "Ayyy! Fucking- Fuck- Fu- Horses an' shit!" Luciano drunkenly cheered as his boyfriend carried him on his back. Siegfried would be recounting how the hell this happened, but it didn't matter to him on account of how cute Luciano was when he's drunk.

  At least to Siegfried, but to Siegfried, everything Luciano does is cute.

  "Are you sure you don't want to sleep the rest of the way home?" Siegfried asked, a laugh in his voice.

  "Are you fugkin kiddin'?! Empiresh never sleep!" Luciano slurred. He was fucking wasted at this point.

  "Sure. Remind me to get you drunk more often." Siegfried replied, beaming at how much physical trust Luciano was able to put in Siegfried at that time.

  Footsteps approached next to them as Luciano continued his nonsensical drunk cheering.

  "Hallo Ludwig! Wouldn't expect to see you out this late." Siegfried greeted, earning what might've resembled a scolding from Luciano for talking to someone, which Siegfried ignored.

  "Well I am, and I'm just heading home." Ludwig replied, adjusting Feliciano, who was being carried on his back and sound asleep. "Is he... Okay?"

  Luciano shouted in reply something along the lines of "I don't need yourr ffffuchink concerern for my well bei- being! I'm an empire! Empiresh don't need and goddamng help from the likes of yo-you!"

  "Drunk." Siegfried answered flatly before continuing as his smile returned. "I guess we're in the same boat, huh?"

  Ludwig just nodded and turned his attention back to the road in front of them. It was going to be a long walk home.



  The second Siegfried set Luciano down in his room in headquarters, he was attacked with kisses all over his face and neck.

  "Help! I'm being attacked by adorableness!" Siegfried giggled, being tackled onto the bed.

  "How about we do it.~" Luciano said, his drunk desire fuling him. "I haven't felt you inside of me for so long.~"

  "I-I think we should wait for a night when you're sober enough to not yell at me in the morning, Luci."

  "Awww, boo." Luciano whined as they both sat up. "You're no fun."

  "I'm fun!"

  "Show me.~"


  And with that, Luciano was tackled back onto the bed and tickled mercilessly, laughing drunkenly and joyfully.

  "AAAH-HAHAHAHA! I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER!" He cried, waving his hands to get Siegfried to stop.

  The moment he was released, Luciano tackled Siegfried into a warm kiss onto the bed, filled with love (and a bit of alcohol) as they laid side by side and rolled a bit while kissing.

  "Sure you don't want a little bit of me tonight?" Luciano asked when they pulled apart.

  "More like I don't want you to yell at me in the morning." Siegfried laughed, cuddling Luciano close.

  "Hmmm... My cuddle bear..." Luciano hummed warmly, snuggling Siegfried close. He sighed happily and fell asleep, and Siegfried wrapped his arms tighter around his boyfriend's bare back, Luciano having taken it off at one point.

  The next morning...

  Luciano's eyes broke open in a hell state, and he was immediately sent into panic mode when he couldn't remember what happened the night before. He tried to push away from whatever was holding him, but it had a death grip on him. All Luciano saw was white fabric. He looked up, saw Siegfried's face and blushed.

  But in his state of panic, Luciano hadn't realized the throbbing headache he had, to wich he responded by loudly groaning in pain, which woke up Siegfried.

  "Nnnngh... What happened last night?" Luciano asked no one in particular.

  "You got drunk, I carried you home, we made out for a bit, then you fell asleep." Siegfried proudly answered.

  Luciano grabbed his forehead as Siegfried loosened his grip.

  "Ugh, how drunk was I?" Luciano asked, groaning.

  "Wasted. But cute." Siegfried answered, grasping Luciano's hand and using his other to boop his lover's nose. "Do you want to get up?"

  "Does it look like I want to get up?" Luciano replied, tucking his head into Siegfried's chest before pulling himself up to meet Siegfried's smiling eyes. "Hey, did I... Do anything? I know how I'm like when I'm drunk."

  "What do you mean?" Siegfried replied.

  "Like... Did something happen? I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you." Luciano answered.

  "Oh, well, you tried to have sex, but I said no because you'd yell at me in the morning." Siegfried admitted, kissing Luciano's forehead.

  "Hmmm... That's my good kissy." He smiled as he was attacked by more kisses and nuzzles. "You're always so affectionate in the mornings." Luciano sighed.

  "All the better to comfort you with, mien liebe." Siegfried smiled, planting a kiss on his lover's lips.

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