2p Gerita Headcannons

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-They have a gaming channel together

-Siegfried gives the best massages low key

-Well Luci thinks so

-Luciano would be super shy about physical contact at first

-But once they stop keeping their relationship a secret they'd be super cuddly

-Like they'd be that couple that cuddles all the time

-Siegfried would constantly want to cook together

-But when that fucks up they end up just slow dancing in a messy kitchen together then ordering a pizza and watching a movie

-Siegfried would never force Luciano to do something he doesn't want to

-They constantly try to keep each other happy

-Siegfried thinks Luciano has the most beautiful smile he's ever seen

-Luciano hates seeing Siegfried cry

-One of the reasons Luciano loves Siegfried so much is because he just wants someone who can make him feel safe

-When Luciano found out Siegfried was Holy Rome, he was super angry at first, but after calming down he ran up to Siegfried and threw his arms around him

-Movie nights 100% include trying to make dinner and failing, dancing, drinking, drunk slow dancing, ordering pizza(usually they're sober for this), lotsa kisses, usually video games, make out sessions when one of them gets frustrated, saying they're going to sleep in a bed this time, watching a movie and falling asleep halfway through, sleeping on the couch all tangled together surrounded by like 3 empty pizza boxes and the cats until Flavio comes downstairs for a glass of water and putting a blanket over them


-When they play non-multiplayer games Luciano usually sits in Siegfried's lap on the floor and yells at the TV

-The important origin of the massage headcannon

-Luciano gets really frustrated at some games and one time after a hard level he said "God that level left me tense!" and then Siegfried just smiled and started giving Luciano a massage and he's like "whahahaaat are you doing" and Siegfried is just like "you said you were tense" and Luci is like "oh okay" but halfway through Luciano starts getting into it and he just discards the controller and starts kissing Siegfried

-In MMOs they'll back each other up

-They can't play Mr. Massagy anymore (Luciano got jealous)

-Luciano gets jealous easily

-Its not that he doesn't trust Siegfried, he doesn't trust everyone else

-If you hurt Luciano then Siegfried will go from 'Happy buddy man pal' to 'I SERVED MY NICKEL YOU COME AND TAKE ME' in like 5 seconds

-Santiago is like Luciano's protective papa

-So they can't be too affectionate around him

-But Flavi usually keeps him in line yeah big brother

-Siegfried always gets super excited whenever he sees Luciano even if it's super irrational

-"Luciano I missed you!" "Oh my fugkin god Siegfried I saw you like five minutes ago"


-"AAAA LUCI I LOVE YOU AND I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" "Are you friggin kidding me I just went to the bathroom"

-Little by little Luciano becomes less tsundere but only around Siegfried

-Siegfried has been in love with Luciano since the moment they met

-It was literally 'Helpless' but 2p Gerita

-Luciano still gets really flustered when he's flirted with

-Luciano legit almost started crying when he found out that Siegfried hates himself because he thinks that everyone believes he's a brainless jokester and only sticks around out of pity

-Santiago thought Siegfried might hurt Luciano so he tried to keep them apart at first

-But after some convincing from Flavio and a long talk with Siegfried he left them alone

-Siegfried is the only person Luciano will let pick him up

-The first time they kissed it was Luciano that kissed him while drunk in the back of their 1p's car at like 3 am in a 7/11 parking lot

-How romantic

-They literally love each other so much

-Is so cute

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