Chapter 7: Over it

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       "Who would love a sensitive scaredy-cat like me again?" Jimin repeated Jungkook's words in his mind before responding. How could Jungkook say something like that? Jimin cleared his throat. "Jungkook, you can't say things like that.."

          "I won't lie to you.."

           Jimin placed his hand on the computer screen. "Well I won't believe that. I almost want to know who was the jerk that harmed you... To think like that.

          "We all have our memories of an ex.." Jungkook claimed not continuing the discussion.

          "Jungkook, would you like me to keep the computer on all night? So you wouldn't feel lonely?" Jimin wondered.

          Jungkook nodded, "Thankyou I hope you don't mind doing this..."

         "I can stay with the computer on video chat all night, every night.. I want to be a good friend to you."

          Jungkook set the computer down watching Jimin. "You know Jimin... I don't feel so afraid now. I feel happy to know I actually have a friend here to watch over me or even sleep next to me.. Well just the computer but you know what I mean." Jungkook claimed as he layed back on the bed watching Jimin's smile.

           "I'm a very kind and loving friend, I care for all of my friends... That means I'll care for you too!"

         "Loving... kind and caring... just the way I thought you'd be.." Jungkook whispered looking down.

           Jimin heard the loving, kind and caring part but not the other part... "Thankyou." Jimin responded as Jungkook looked up to make a smile.

          Jimin didn't think saying thankyou would make Jungkook smile... But that wasn't it. Jimin just didn't hear Jungkook entirely.

      Jungkook then yawned and layed on a pillow watching Jimin. "I guess I'll get to sleep. Thankyou again for doing this."

          "Get some rest." Jimin claimed getting comfortable on his own bed. "I won't turn off the lapto-"

         "Don't! Please don't..." Jungkook begged as Jimin agreed.

           "Hey, I'll need to change into my sleep attire... Don't look." Jimin pushed the screen back as he went to change into his PJ's.

           "This feels alot like a sleepover... Never been to one except the ones I've spent with my girlfriend."

           "Into girls?" Jimin asked switching on a festive white christmas shirt with a small christmas tree.

            "Used to... I used to date and be into dating. Last relationship I was in, was with a girl." Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't even call it a relationship... It was hell with that woman!"

           "She can't be that bad... But I don't want to get too into this.. You probably don't want to talk about her at the moment so I'll be quiet."

           "I'm constantly reminded her.. I even have her room she used to stay in... But then I turned the room into... Well, I should tell you when you get here. You'll understand me more." Jungkook claimed. "Then I'll have to explain many things..many..many things to you." Jungkook looked at the screen to see Jimin walk back with his underwear and white long sleeved festive sweater.

            "Such an attire." Jungkook commented as Jimin giggled.

           "Get some rest if you won't change into your sleep attire!" Jimin claimed laying in bed and covering his body with a pink blanket.

           Jungkook watched Jimin happily and layed back. "No it's fine.. this is alright..." Jungkook layed watching Jimin silently.               

           The following two nights were the same, come home from the library together to video chat and almost all night and keep the computer on to 'watch over eachother.'

         When friday came around, Jimin was again at work... He was going to be sent home early by his boss.. He just knew it.." Jimin sighed hearing his boss throw a fit and yell on the top of his lungs at how angry he was at the order of silk he messed up on.

         Mr. Young meant well, he didn't want to be mean to Jimin so he walked up to the boy and let out a fustrated sigh. "Jimin... You know the drill, please go home for the day..full pay whatever gets you out of here.." Mr. Young claimed as Jimin looked down and nodded.

            "Yes, Thankyou Mister." Jimin bowed and walked out of the office feeling let down again. This was the second time this week! Jimin checked on his phone to check the time. Jimin would see Jungkook for coffee, so the thought of that lightened up his mood. Jimin was walking to the library when he received a video call from Jungkook.

         "Hi Jungkook, still up for coffee?" Jimin asked walking along the sidewalk.

           "Yeah, I'm waiting for you at the library... Got sent home again?" Jungkook asked looking around for Jimin.

            "Ugh don't get me started!" Jimin joked walking along the sidewalk until his eyes met with the library right around the corner. Jimin hurried along to Jungkook finally looking forward to the highlight of his day.. And that was to spend time with Jungkook.

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