Chapter 99: Understanding her

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          "What are you doing here, Je-anne.. It's christmas. Shouldn't you be out with your husband and spend time with him?" Namjoon stepped out and closed the door behind him so his mother would not hear what's going on.

             Je-anne shook her head and pulled out a gun. "Why do you care?! I just came to tell you that I need you to hurt Jimin.."

           "W-what?! This has gotten way too far! Je-anne stop it!" Namjoon shouted as Je-anne only loaded the gun.

            "You might want to take that back.." Je-anne claimed as Namjoon shook his head.

           "Shoot me.. Go ahead and end it all here.. I have nothing to live for now..." Namjoon smiled. "I only have friends and family.. No one that keeps me living." Je-anne raised her eyebrow hearing Namjoon's wishes. "Hesitating? You know I feel really bad that you have to ruin a couple's happiness... You're a monster... Not realizing you have a husband who loves you to death."

            "H-he's always at work.. And I want someone to be there for me..." Je-anne claimed.

            "Well atleast you know he loves you so much that he works everyday wanting to come home and see you." Namjoon replied.

             "You don't know how it feels... To have no one.." Je-anne replied making Namjoon place his hands on his hips.

             "What?! I don't know how it feels?! I have no one in my life everyday and all I have is my job to keep me busy." Namjoon held out a finger and pointed to Je-anne's face. "You have something... You have that baby... You have Mr. Yang! So don't you dare say-"

           Je-anne began to cry and drop her gun to the floor. "I feel horrible! H-horrible for hurting Jungkook... I want him back but I know that will never happen! I say I feel alone because... My own husband is busy everyday we barely talk! and I look back at those days where Jungkook gave me attention and cared about me... Even when I carried his first child he was there treating my needs but all I did was grow greedy! What I would do to have Jungkook back and help me now.. But, I can't! Jimin is there, he takes what's mine and now that I want Jungkook, Jimin is there! I'll never have him!"

             "Enough!" Namjoon shouted making Je-anne flinch. "What's wrong with you?! Can't you see that you are becoming a monster? If you suddenly loved Jungkook you would understand that you fucked up! You ruined your chance and now that he's happy you want him now? He loved you before and you pushed him away and abused him! All these things gave him Monophobia and ruined his life but when Jimin came around.... He helped him..."

               "I-I know... I know I ruined it all! You just don't understand losing someone you love to someone else! It's not fa-"

            "Fair... I know its not fair, Je-anne.." Namjoon sighed. "I've been through that all before.."

            "You have?" Je-anne tried to dry her tears.

            "Park Jimin.. Do you know how hard it was to know I felt something for my best friend? I wanted to tell him.. But before I knew it, Jimin was already getting reeled in by Jeon Jungkook. At that moment, I grew jealous. I hated the boy and wanted Jimin. I don't blame you for jealousy but I stopped myself from going overboard. I talked this out to myself and realized, Jimin was only like a brother to me... I found him adorable and amazing. He caught my attention and I fell in love with him, but then.. I only realized I was too late." Namjoon confessed looking at the gun down on the floor. "What I realized was, when Jimin fell in love with Jungkook.. I saw him grow happy.. His eyes glew with joy and he was more happier with Jungkook than me. I then had to realize.. If I want to see Jimin happy like that, I shouldn't try to interfere with their love. He's happier this way."

          Je-anne got silent. "You did it to make them both happy... I came in and scared Jungkook even more than he was before..." Je-anne claimed. "They filed a restraining order against me and that made me angry! I just can't stand Jimin!"

               "I get it.. This is usual I too hated Jungkook at some point but I had to suck it up and support.. No matter how much it hurted me. About your relationship, You just need to talk this out with your husband. Tell him you want to spend time with him.." Namjoon advised.

            "W-why are you so nice to me?! I made you go against Jimin and you hated that.. But I still don't understand why are you helping me like this! Don't you hate me?" Je-anne covered her face sobbing to herself.

        "I can't hate you... I know how it all feels to be left out and not loved. I want to help you because I just want to guide you to what's right. You need someones help. No one was there to guide me but I'll be here to do so."

             "T-thankyou..." Je-anne whispered.

           "Je-anne.. It's better if you leave them alone and focus on your relationship. If everyone finds out that you broke your limits and harmed Park Jimin, they will take away your baby once he's born and you'll lose everything you'll have! Stop this.."

            "I-I'm trying to but it hurts! Seeing the one that you loved chase someone else.. I can't take that... I love my husband but we don't talk alot and he only comes home to sleep, wake up and get to work.. He tells me he loves me before getting to work and I hear him.. But I just don't feel it."

            Namjoon gave the woman a hug. "Everyone goes through that... Don't you want to see Jungkook happy now?"

          Je-anne nodded and cried silently. "Y-yes..."

         "Then.. We watch the two grow happy together.. Jungkook would love it this way.. Don't you think having someone you love stay happy and not grow petrified is nice?"

            "I-I want him happy.."

         "Glad we can talk this out... Maybe soon, you both can just become friends and he won't hate you or fear you..." Namjoon smiled. "How does that sound?" Namjoon asked feeling Je-anne nod.

         "W-what now?" Je-anne asked.

        "We watch their love grow and see what beautiful rose can come from it." Namjoon said. Je-anne was now feeling something.. she no longer had the urge of killing Jimin and taking Jungkook for herself. She understood her issues from before and finally learned from it thanks to Namjoon. Je-anne decided it was best to be the mature one now and finally accept what life has given her on that cold christmas night.

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