Chapter 29: Better than books

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      Jimin crawled onto the bed as he was freshly bathed and was wearing the bunny jumpsuit. As Jimin got comfortable on the bed, he waited for Jungkook so he can hug him to sleep... Jimin wondered what story the younger will read him tonight.

        As Jimin waited, Jungkook walked in with a dark blue T-shirt, loose burgundy PJ's and white socks. Jungkook just got out of the bath after Jimin washed up. Jungkook carried the same book in his hands to read to the boy while Jimin tilted his head.

          "Same book?" Jimin asked pulling the bedsheets to cover himself up from the cold.

          "Yes, I love this book..." Jungkook claimed. "This was Lila's first book..and I wanted to read it to you!"

           "Jungkook.. Why don't you just keep the book and pay the fee for having it overdue? Namjoon does that."

          "At times.. I think it's bad for me to keep it here..." Jungkook whispered. "But then I can't let this go..." Jungkook stated.

         Jimin finally understood why Jungkook was glued to that small book of folktales. It was Lila's first book Jungkook read to her... Now Jimin felt like the replacement. "Jungkook.... You aren't replacing Lila... with me right?" Jimin asked as Jungkook looked up and shook his head.

             "J-Jimin... I'm not.. I want you to be your own person. I'm just treating you like you're child..." Jungkook looked at Jimin's pink lips. "But.. You, I treat you much more differently..." Jungkook added as Jimin raised up a finger to touch his own lips remembering the kiss. Jimin smiled thinking of how Jungkook sucked onto Jimin's bottom lip before he pulled away. Jimin wanted more.. He wanted much more things in a relationship, but Jungkook wouldn't be able to give him that just yet.

         "I understand, Jungkook." Jimin replied as Jungkook smiled sitting near Jimin to read him a different folktale in the book.

        As Jungkook read Jimin the story, Jimin looked around the room thinking this was very sweet. Jungkook would be an amazing father, what was holding him back? He lost his daughter but Jimin doubted it was Jungkook's fault. Jungkook just needed to know how great it was to love, how great it is to have a family of his own.. Jimin wanted Jungkook to experience that. Jimin loved Jungkook.. He wanted to feel his touch. The older one knew Jungkook still needed to adjust to this But Jimin couldn't see him like this.

          Jimin sat up and grabbed Jungkook's book and closed it as the younger looked up at the older. Jimin crawled into Jungkook's arms and hugged him slowly pressing Jungkook back onto the bed.

            "Jimin... You want to sleep so soon? The story was just starting~" Jungkook laughed as Jimin looked up at Jungkook's face.

         "I-I think I want this more than a book. I want to be held close to sleep not read to sleep." Jimin claimed.

           Jungkook moved his hands to place it on Jimin's back while he rubbed it gently. "Like this?~" Jungkook questioned in a grin making Jimin blush.

            "Mhmm!" Jimin nodded resting his head on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook felt Jimin's warm and calm body on his as the older had a gentle breathing going on. Jungkook kissed Jimin's head and pulled the hoodie over his head to hug Jimin tightly so he wouldn't get cold without the blanket.

            Just holding Jimin close like this made him remember how he took a picture with his daughter like this... Jungkook sighed and looked down at Jimin closing his eyes gently. Jungkook never wanted to compare his daughter to Jimin, Jungkook has kissed Jimin and he didn't know how long it would take before he grows urges to touch Jimin..  Comparing Jimin to Lila was something Jungkook wouldn't ever do. He loved Lila as a daughter... But he loved Jimin as a child and at times.. someone he loved being near. Jungkook already explained how amazing it was to have this feeling of love back.. But having Jimin look like a child the whole time wasn't a way Jungkook wanted to love.

           These soft moments with Jimin made Jungkook's heart skip a beat... If only Jungkook can see himself moving the relationship forward. Jimin had high hopes for this. He loved Jungkook deeply and now, he was sure Jungkook felt the same way deep down.

         As Jimin layed on Jungkook's chest, he was sleeping... Until his phone gave off a notification chime. Jungkook sat up gently, "I'll check." Jungkook claimed as Jimin smiled.

        "Thankyou... Jungkook~" Jimin replied sleepily. As Jungkook still held up Jimin in his arms to keep him near. Jungkook reached over to Jimin's phone and noticed Jimin received a new mail! The subject had Interview on it.

         Jungkook knew Jimin was getting another job.. He didn't want to see his sweet prince leave him or work at all! Jungkook was the one that hacked into Jimin's E-mail.. to send his boss that message to fire Jimin! Jungkook just hated to think of Jimin working.. He wanted the man near him everyday. The fear of being alone scared Jungkook but the thought of Jungkook coming home to Jimin made him smile.

           The younger then accessed Jimin's phone easily, at times he watched over Jimin's shoulder and watch him unlock it. Now Jungkook knew how to do it too! The younger accessed the E-mail with only one thing left on his mind, to make sure Jimin stays...

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