Chapter 92: Playful

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"Jimin, are you excited for tomorrow?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded happily.

"I can't wait to show you what I got you!" Jimin giggled placing his hand on Jungkook's cheek.

"I even got a few gifts for our little Sung Ji and Eun Min!" Jungkook added.

"Jungkook, if it's diapers I'll-"

"If it's a surprise for the babies, it's a surprise for you!" Jungkook replied kissing Jimin on the lips before getting up and sitting down on the couch next to his lover. "What should we get prepared by tomorrow?"

"Oh!" Jimin then got up and hurried to the kitchen and got a bag from the store. "I got cookie cutters! Maybe we can bake some today and bake alot tomorrow too! Or whenever we wake up."

"Sweets in the morning, tomorrow dear? Hmm.." Jungkook teased as Jimin went over to Jungkook and sat on his lap.

"Well these are cookie cutters, we can use them for pancakes!" Jimin claimed.

"Pancakes... It'll be rare that I try those! But I guess we can make it work." Jungkook claimed and rested his head over Jimin's shoulder and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's baby bump slowly and carefully. "Jimin~" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear as he played with the cookie cutters.

"Hmm?" Jimin asked looking back as Jungkook held Jimin's hands in place and kissed him softly. "Mm~" Jimin smiled into the kiss.

"-let's go bake cookies then." Jungkook suggested. The couple was going to make the cookie dough out of scratch because it seemed much more better this way and it would take long. Just the way they liked to prepare things. The longer they took gave them more time to spend together, and that made cooking or baking more fun and exciting for eachother.

Jimin stood up and went to the kitchen along with Jungkook so they can bake cookies together. Jimin took out the cookie cutters he got recently and set it down on the counter. There was a santa one, snowman and a star. As the two prepared the place to set up the things to bake, Jungkook helped Jimin make the dough and would occasionally put flour onto Jimin's nose playfully.

Jimin began to roll out the dough with his own hands as Jungkook set the flour onto the clean counter to make it much more easier for him to roll. Jimin's nose was already covered in flour because of Jungkook always playing around with the flour.

Just as Jimin rolled the dough flat onto the counter with the rolling pin, Jungkook grabbed a bit of flour and placed it onto the dough giving it a nice, white and bright color and so it wouldn't stick. Jungkook looked down on his hands to realize, they were covered in white flour.

Jungkook got behind Jimin and rubbed the flour over Jimin's face so calmly. Jimin thought it was just Jungkook playing with Jimin's face again but this time there was flour in his hands! "Mochi~" Jungkook whispered as Jimin gasped and moved Jungkook's hands away.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" Jimin shouted and looked at his reflection through a metal bowl. Jimin began to laugh and shove Jungkook hitting his shoulder. "I look like a ghost now!"

"Best skin care out there." Jungkook joked as Jimin began to rinse the flour from his face. While Jimin tried to get rid of the flour from his soft skin, Jungkook gave Jimin a back hug while kissing his neck. "Ah, my cute pink mochi~"

Jimin dried his face laughing with Jungkook. Jungkook grabbed the dry paper towel and helped Jimim dry his face. Jungkook gently dabbed the dry paper towel under Jimin's brown almond eyes and kissed his lovers lips. "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered and slowly reached behind him to grab a handful of the flour to throw at Jungkook.

Jungkook was focused on Jimin's beautiful clear face. It was like he was in a trance not realizing Jimin had a handful of flour. "Yes, my love?~" Jungkook asked as Jimin slowly moved his hands around the flour as if he was cleaning his hands with it. Once Jimin had his hands covered in the white flour, Jimin raised his hands slowly and cupped Jungkook's face pulling it to a kiss and of course rubbing his hands over Jungkook's face. "I love you!~" Jimin replied giggling happily.

Jungkook smiled feeling Jimin's gentle hands rub flour onto his face and could only laugh. Jungkook quickly picked Jimin up and set him on an empty counter to kiss him. "Jimin~ you always have a way to make me smile. I love you for that~ and I love how precious you are... So kind~ gentle.. full of Perfection." Jungkook continued to whisper to Jimin while he kissed along his neck and pulled down the collar of his pink sleeved shirt down just to kiss his collarbone.

Jimin kept giggling and blushing as his hands rested on the side of Jungkook's head while tbe younger kissed his lover. "Jungkook-ah~" Jimin blushed and kept a smile as he looked down at Jungkook coming to a stop and smiling up at him. "You love me so much~"

"I know I do~ and I know you love me too." Jungkook intertwined hands with Jimin and looked up at the older boy sitting on the counter. "Now, are we going to sit here and make out, Or do you want to finish baking?" Jungkook asked as Jimin chose to finish baking and then make out with Jungkook. This wouldn't be everyday Jungkook would have time off to spend with Jimin since he wanted to work hard before the holidays. So moments like these, Jimin loved it. Spending time with his lover like this made it seem like Jimin lived in paradise by just seeing Jungkook's lovely, cute, bunny smile.

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