Chapter 64: Manipulative liar

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         What is she doing here?" Jimin thought as Je-anne was silent. She kept staring at Jimin and this gave Jimin an uncomfortable feeling.

           "Jimin... Where's Jungkook?" the woman asked as Jimin refused to answer.

            "Why do you care?" Jimin folded his arms staring at the woman. "All you've ever done was hurt him... Why do you need him?!" Jimin hissed. "Jeon Jungkook is mine! All mine!"

           "Jimin... You don't know him!" Je-anne shot back. Was she actually fighting for Jungkook?

           "You're married and pregnant!" Jimin claimed.

           "Well you're just pregnant... If he loved you, he would have married you! There's a difference here. Someone loves me and married me.. And to you? Someone 'loves' you but apparently not so much." Je-anne argued. "Why would he love you anyways?"


            "Doesn't matter why I'm here.. I came to see Jungkook, not his side bitch he suddenly got pregnant." Je-anne smiled slowly bringing up her right hand from her pocket. "I'll always be his, I have a special place in his heart. You? I bet he had no other choice to stay with you.. When it comes to children Jungkook would stay. If you weren't pregnant, he would easily drop you just. tha-"

            "Jimin!" Jungkook opened the door having a few tears shed from staying alone for a long time. "I reached my limit..." Jungkook responded to Jimin. He turned his head slightly to see Je-anne stuff her right hand back in her pocket. She only pulled it up enough to show a small black handle of what seemed to be a knife..

             "J-Jungkook!" Je-anne smiled holding the item back in her pocket. "I-I wanted to talk to you... I need to tell you that-"

            "Please leave." Jungkook said avoiding stares by looking down. "If you don't leave, I will have to call the police."

           "Jungkook... Y-you need me.." Je-anne cried out. "I need you more than ever and-"

           Jimin quickly walked into the house pulling Jungkook by the arm leaving the lady outside all alone. Je-anne only came to try and win Jungkook back. She was an abusive and manipulative woman who would hurt Jungkook to get what she wanted and all this did was scar the younger. Of course Jungkook couldn't say a word about it... Who would believe a woman was abusing a man?

             Jungkook walked back in and closed the door. He didn't want to see her anymore... Jimin dragged Jungkook back into the house in anger and made sure he locked the door. "Jimin... What's wrong?"

             "S-she had something in her hand! I thought she wanted to hurt me.." Jimin whispered checking out the windows to see Je-anne still there. "She's outside Jungkook.. Call the police!" Jimin cried but Jungkook quickly walked up to Jimin and grabbed him by his shoulders.

        "Jimin! She won't hurt us... She can't get in.. And she wouldn't risk doing that."

          Jimin turned his head to look at the door. "She wanted you all for herself! She's so spoiled! She has the love of her life but suddenly wants another.. She wants to take you from me! I won't let her!" Jimin continued.

         "Jimin! Jimin! She's not going to have me... She won't take me from you because I love you!"

          "She told me many things... Telling me she would always have a place in your heart.." Jimin sighed. "Je-"

          "Stop it! Stop talking about her! She's a liar... An abusive little liar and I don't want anything to do with her.." Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand. "Je-anne is trying to make you feel bad.. She's trying to turn us against eachother like this! I love you and only you.."

          Jungkook hugged Jimin as Jimin just blankly stared at the door. Marriage was something Jimin knew he'll have to do before the baby would be born... Jimin just wondered why hasn't anything happened yet? He knew not to rush this too! Marriage would be up to Jungkook to choose when he was ready. Jimin would occasionally check outside and knew Je-anne was gone now. He felt relieved now as Jungkook was there with him.

            "Jungkook, you actually lasted long! I think this is good. Little by little you'll be able to last long on your own!" Jimin smiled again no longer feeling mad because of Je-anne.

          Jungkook nodded and sat back on the couch. "Such a long day... Let's get to sleep now~" Jungkook layed comfortably on the couch as Jimin giggled reaching over to Jungkook's hand and pull it.

         "Come to bed with me!" Jimin tugged Jungkook's arm as the younger layed on the couch.

          "Sleep here with me and I'll take you to bed later." Jungkook claimed. "I want to talk with you for a bit longer~" Jimin layed on Jungkook making the younger laugh. "You always find a way on me like this~"

            Jimin smiled and kissed Jungkook. "Jungkook... I get to lay on you whenever I want and where ever I want... Only because you're mine!" Jimin flirted and held Jungkook's hands around his chest.

            "Then that means you're mines too~" Jungook kissed Jimin's head. "I'll say I own you... Just so I can write my name all over you~"

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