Chapter 57: A Discovery

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          The next morning, Jungkook was up early cooking for Jimin. He prepared two boxes for Jimin. One box had Kimchi ramen in a container, the other lunch box had lobster gimbap and braised octopus. Jungkook didn't have work until an hour and Jimin didn't have his library shift until fifty minutes from now... But Jimin was still asleep! Jungkook was going to wake Jimin up until after he was done preparing Jimin's lunch boxes. Suddenly, Jungkook heard vomiting again. That's when Jungkook knew he didn't have to worry about waking Jimin up.

         Jungkook set the food into the containers and walked to see Jimin laying on the bed and vomit was on the floor. "Oh Jimin.." Jungkook walked up to the man and placed his hand on Jimin's neck and forehead to see if he was sick. "That's funny.. You're not even hot.. Are you sure you don't have a stomach virus?" Jungkook asked as he reached down to Jimin's little jumpsuit and began to pull down the zipper. Jimin quickly raised his hands to cover his stomach stopping the zipper from being pulled down fully.

            "I-I don't feel like working.." Jimin shook his head looking weak to Jungkook.

             "Jimin... I'll need to see what you have darling. This jumpsuit may be too hot for you." Jungkook wanted to pull Jimin's zipper of his jumpsuit completely down to feel his stomach and check if he was okay.

           Jimin then gave in, he allowed Jungkook to pull down the zipper and take a good look at his lovers stomach. Jimin's skin was soft and pale, Jungkook raised his hands up to Jimin's stomach and placed it down feeling Jimin. Jimin didn't like this, he thought Jungkook might try to massage him and press down thinking Jimin had a stomach knot.

             Jimin thought of a way to avoid that and moved Jungkook's hands up to Jimin's chest. Jimin's smiled feeling Jungkook's hands find their way to Jimin's chest and slowly up to cup Jimin's face. "Tell me if you'll be okay for today..." Jungkook claimed worryingly.

            Jimin nodded. "T-this is nothing... I'll be okay." Jimin assured as Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead and got up to clean the floor. "Just so you'll know, you have to start getting ready now. If you really are feeling 'okay' you'd get up right now." Jungkook claimed and walked out of the room so he can get things to clean up the mess Jimin made.

           Jimin stood up feeling sick, hopefully it wasn't for long. Jimin zipped up his jumpsuit and walked out of the room and into the bathroom he had most of his skin cares and tooth brushes in. Jungkook brought in the mop and began to clean up the mess and think how odd he didn't feel a thing on Jimin's stomach. He expected to feel a knot or even feel Jimin's kneck or forehead become hot but it was just warm.

        Soon after, Jimin was ready to work, he was feeling a bit more better. He chose to use a comfortable black jacket, black shorts, black vans and a white t-shirt that had blue wave designs on it.  Once Jungkook saw Jimin's shorts, he raised a brow. "Jimin... You are not going to work like that! It's too cold for that.." Jungkook pointed out and Jimin looked down at his shorts only to look up again and feel like crying.

            "But I-I like these shorts..." Jimin claimed in a quiet voice as Jungkook was shocked to see Jimin was about to cry over a small thing like this!

             "Jimin, baby it's cold outside... Wear some black pan-"

             "Why don't I just go naked?!" Jimin shouted walking into the room just to grab his black pants and change angrily. Jungkook let out a laugh hearing Jimin shout and run off like an old person. But Jimin was getting too worked up about the small things, this made Jungkook know it wasn't a flu of any sort!

             At the library, Jimin was at the front desk looking at his two lunch boxes, Jungkook has prepared for Jimin to eat later on or whenever he gets hungry. Jungkook bought Jimin snacks and made sure he left the house full this morning. Jimin couldn't help but to love Jungkook for all of that. He seemed like an overprotective boyfriend but Jimin loved every single thing about it.

             Jungkook was reading to the children as always before work, so this gave Jimin time to walk around the library without Jungkook clinging onto him in every book aisle. Jimin walked over to the pregnancy section where there was books and magazines on pregnancy, to child birth. Jimin picked up a book of knowing how you are pregnant and read the symptoms, cautiously looking around hoping Jungkook wouldn't see him there!

Symptoms of pregnancy!

·Back pain
·Low energy.


         Each and every symptom was explained carefully and it was exactly what Jimin had for the past few days! Jimin looked over it again and again before closing the book shut and thinking to himself about this all.

          "I-I'm not sick..." Jimin whispered to himself. "I'm... Pregnant..."

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