Chapter 25: Something different

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          "Are you hungry my sweet little prince?" Jungkook asked as he placed his hands on Jimin's shoulder while looking at Jimin. "I'm going to make you something to eat, I bought well ingredients too! Would you like that?" Jungkook smiled as Jimin was still thinking of the phone. "Jimin?" Jungkook asked again as Jimin stopped staring out in the distance, lost in his own mind thinking of the hacker incident.

           Jimin focused on Jungkook and smiled happily as he nodded. "Yes Jungkook!"

            Jungkook smiled and placed his hand on Jimin's cheek and caressed his cheek gently. "I also want you to try some baby food I bought from the store! I also got you more jumpsuits."

            "B-baby food?" Jimin thought. "Wow this guy is really into it!" Jimin said in his mind as Jungkook dropped his hand to hold Jimin's.

            "I know you won't ever say no to me... I want you to accept it. I know this sounds weird and all, but I want you to have an open mind.. I'll still treat you the same. Like a real and respectful adult." Jungkook promised the man as he held Jimin's both hands now. "Anything else?"

            "Jungkook... I-I think I should sleep with you now! I can't sleep here.. Since I don't think it's okay to do so."

           "You want to sleep with me..? Okay! Seems alright with me~" Jungkook guided Jimin out the room as they walked out together.

           Jimin wanted to ask Jungkook if he logged onto the older man's E-mail, but Jimin couldn't, that will bring on an argument and ruin Jungkook's happy mood. So, Jimin kept quiet and thought to bring that up another time. If it really was Jungkook who got into Jimin's mail, what damage could he have done? All Jimin notice was his trash all cleared and that's all. Jungkook wouldn't ever think of doing something so huge just by accessing Jimin's E-mail.

          Jungkook walked back to the living room as he ran up to the bag filled with cute jumpsuits for Jimin to wear. "Jimin! Come here... I want you to wear these and show me how they look on you! Model them out for me and tell me what you think." Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked at the bag and approached it slowly.

             "Why do you always have me wearing jumpsuits with hoodies?" Jimin asked.

           "Because my cute, sweet little prince looks adorable in it~"  Jungkook cooed watching Jimin take out the bunny jumpsuit. "You like it?~"

             "Jungkook, you should wear this. You look way more of a bunny than me!" Jimin joked as Jungkook chuckled.

            "Oh, Jimin don't be like that!" Jungkook laughed as Jimin finally decided to take the bags along to wear them. With each and every Jumpsuit Jimin walked out with, Jimin caught Jungkook's attention and made him smile everytime. Jimin wore alot of jumpsuits for Jungkook as the younger remained there cooking.

              When Jimin tried out the baby chicken jumpsuit, Jimin walked out looking around to see Jungkook but noticed he wasn't waiting by the couches. Jungkook walked out of the kitchen as the food cooked. Jungkook held a small container of baby food that had a banana and apple flavor.

         Jimin stared at the container as Jungkook sat the boy down. "Here Jimin, you look cute.. I want you to try this for me. I want to make sure it's your favorite so I can get you baby food more like this~" Jungkook made Jimin sit on the couch as he looked at Jungkook silently.

             "Open." Jungkook made a smile as Jimin shook his head.

            "J-Jungkook... This is weird.. Am I really going to eat this at times instead of real food?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook shook his head getting on his knees while he looked up at Jimin, moving the spoon around Jimin's baby food.

       "No silly, I'll give you this kind of stuff before bed! Of course you'll eat~" Jungkook assured. "I made sure I got the mother's best recommended baby food. I might be exaggerating quite a bit but.. I don't think this bothers me at all... Does it?" Jungkook made another heartwarming smile as he held up the spoon to Jimin that held baby food in it. "Try it, Jimin~"

            Jimin slowly brought his head in closer to try it as he moved his lips in.. He finally opened his mouth and Jungkook fed Jimin the baby food. Jungkook was looking at Jimin's lips the whole time and watched Jimin wipe the extra baby food that dripped from Jimin's lips.

          Jungkook felt like he was staring at Jimin's lips for a long time. He secretly had a temptation Jungkook had to look after time to time because he felt like he wanted to kiss Jimin and not in the forehead at times... But on the lips to see how it felt like to kiss someone after a very long time... However, Jungkook felt like he couldn't becuase he had Jimin act like a baby for him.. And getting him close enough to want to kiss him, made Jungkook feel weird about this all. These feelings were becoming unclear to the younger.

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