Chapter 45: Here to comfort

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         Jungkook tightened his eyes shut whispering Jimin's name again and again hoping for him to come back... But the more Jungkook whispered Jimin's name, Jimin wasn't showing up!

            After a while, Jimin was still at the coffee shop wrapping up the interview by the happy and kind man, Mr. Yang. Jimin absolutely enjoyed the interview and returned a positive attitude to the manager. Jimin thought this was going to be tough but so far, things went well. However, Jimin did feel a bit off.. Only because he thought of Jungkook the whole time wondering if he was okay.

          "So Mr. Yang, before I go... I was wondering what made you so happy today?" Jimin asked curiously as Mr. Yang smiled again.

            The manager looked down at his ring finger. "Well... My wife has recently told me she was pregnant! She told me how nervous she was at first but then after a while she thought about it and went to tell me!" Mr. Yang smiled and pulled up a picture of his wife on his phone... When Jimin looked at the photo, he realized the woman in the picture was no other that Je-anne! How was this? Whenever she was around Jungkook... She claimed she had a boyfriend and didn't wear the ring on her finger... Almost as if she hid it. "My Je-anne had a child before.. But she only told me she was just delivering the baby for some lonely guy like a storker... I remember seeing him run into the hospital room all wet from the rain! Man... He seemed like a nice guy. Came running just to see his child my lovely Je-anne delivered."

            "Je-anne? She was a storker?" Jimin asked. This wasn't right... Je-anne had to be lying! She was a married woman already.... Maybe she was cheating on Jungkook with Mr. Yang. That could be the reason why she didn't want anything to do with Lila.

            "Yes! That lonely man came in and held his daughter... My what a wonderful moment. It was all well until Je-anne told me that little girl soon died. I think it was a month ago." Mr. Yang claimed. "I guess he wasn't careful."

              Jimin wanted to say something about this but decided to stay silent. All Jimin cared about now was that Je-anne was a liar... She cheated on Jungkook for who knows how long! Jimin really despised her.

          "Jimin, do you have anyone that makes your day so happy?" Mr. Yang asked.

            Jimin smiled looking down and nodded. "Yes... Jungkoo-" Jimin suddenly stood up feeling like Jungkook should have called by now! Jimin patted his pockets trying to find his phone but it wasn't on him. That's when Jimin remembered he left it at Jungkook's house! "M-Mr. Yang... I-I need to hurry home..."

             "Oh, That's fine! Since I'm in a good mood, I'll let you come by so we can train you and then I can determine if you get the job or not." Mr. Yang stated making Jimin smile in relief thinking he will ruin this. "I'll be sure to contact you on E-mail!"

             "Thankyou!" Jimin bowed and quickly speed walked out of the shop. Just as he got outside, Jimin dashed to Jungkook's house not caring about the cars that were honking at him. Jimin hurried to Jungkook and quickly opened the door to realize the front door was open all along. Just how he left it.

          "JUNGKOOK?!" Jimin shouted closing the door, quickly taking off his shoes and running to the bedroom out of breath. "Jungkook... Where are you?" Jimin called out again but no answer. Jimin looked in the bathroom, laundry room and kitchen but Jungkook was no where to be found! There was only one room left and it was Lila's room..

           Jimin opened the door slolwy to see Jungkook laying on the ground cupping his ears crying to himself silently. It was like he couldn't move due to how scared he was. Jimin turned on the light and walked up to Jungkook quickly to grab him into his arms. Jungkook was pale and shaking... It was a horrible sight for Jimin.

           "It's okay, Jungkook... I'm here! See?!" Jimin wiped the younger's tears and hugged him. "You don't have to be afraid anymore..."

              "J-Jimin... Jimin.." Jungkook whispered. "I-I called.."

            "I'm sorry Jungkook." Jimin left a kiss on Jungkook's cheek. "I'm here... Whatever you saw was just an illusion.. Whatever you felt wasn't real."

            "M-my ears..." Jungkook was able to move wiping his own tears.

             "Shh... You can hear, it was just the phobia thats all." Jimin held Jungkook tight. "You are so brave to do this for the longest. I'm sorry I was gone for so long!"

             Jungkook cheered up now. When he would be afraid he would always find himself walking into his daughter's room. It made him feel like he was no longer alone but just that didn't seem enough to make the fear go away. "I'm g-glad you came back..." Jungkook whispered.

           Jimin nodded and kissed Jungkook again giving him kisses making Jungkook smile until he let out a giggle. "Jungkook, guess what?" Jimin asked wanting to make Jungkook feel more better by changing the conversation.

           "Yes?" Jungkook looked up at Jimin. He was able to hear and breathe well now that Jimin was here.

            "I did well on the interview. I'll go back to train when the manager sends me an E-mail, I want you to come with me next time... Okay?"

          Jungkook nodded finally being able to sit up and give Jimin a kiss. Jungkook was able to last without Jimin for a little while.. But the rest of his time was torture just realizing Jimin didn't have his phone on him when Jungkook needed him the most.         

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