Chapter 95: Christmas day

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        The next morning, it was christmas day. Jimin was on Jungkook's warm and gentle exposed chest. He slept soundly last night, and would eventually get up to use the bathroom and of course eat something.

                Jungkook was awake and it didn't hit him until he looked at the christmas tree. It was christmas. Jungkook smiled and moved his hand up Jimin's sleepy body and rolled Jimin's pink hair back. Jimin felt Jungkook hold his hair back and smiled giving his lover kisses. The two of them had no work today and all they had was a whole day together.

            Jimin opened his eyes noticing his pink hair was pulled back by Jungkook's hands exposing Jimin's forehead. "Merry Christmas, my prince~" Jungkook whispered to Jimin's ear and gave his head another kiss before Jimin turned around and kiss Jungkook's cheek. Jimin rubbed his eyes and stood up.

            "Merry Christmas, Jungkook~" Jimin smiled happily. Jimin walked to the bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth. While Jimin was brushing his teeth, Jungkook came into the bathroom with his toothbrush as well and shared the mirror together. Jungkook had his own bathroom but he just wanted to be by Jimin today.

          As the two finished, Jimin was drying his mouth when Jungkook quickly picked Jimin up startling the older. "J-JUNGKOOK! Oh you scared me!" Jimin covered his face laughing as Jungkook held Jimin from the front and was face to face with his lover. "Let me go~"

            "Mm- not until I take you to the living room~ lets open some gifts." Jungkook replied trying to kiss Jimin's lips.

           Jimin placed his index finger on Jungkook's lips and giggled. "You're strong~"

          Jungkook chuckled and nodded. "Don't procrastinate. I got you the best gift ever!" Jungkook claimed as he started walking to the living room as he still held Jimin in his arms.

             "I can walk, Jungkook" Jimin kept pointing out but Jungkook was already by the couch. He dropped Jimin onto the couch and placed his hands on his hips.

            "I know  you can." Jungkook laughed. "I want you to open the big gift last~" Jungkook claimed as Jimin looked back at the presents that were under the tree. Suddenly there was a few more for Jimin.

         Jimin looked back at Jungkook and giggled. "What do I open first?"

         "Everything but the big one." Jungkook claimed as Jimin nodded getting up and going to grab a cushion so he can sit in front of the tree. Jimin decided to open the babies gifts first.

            For the unborn babies, there was a baby bottle decorations for wrapping indicating these three gifts were for the babies. Jimin looked back and smiled at Jungkook, he focused back on the gift and opened the first one. As Jimin ripped the wrapping paper from the first one, he opened a white box to see it was a mobile, this mobile was a plastic sun and moon with clouds. The clouds were pink and towards the bottom of the cloud was blue. This was the colors of the babies gender. Pink was for Sung Ji and blue was for Eun Min. They shared the mobile.

            Jimin looked at the mobile and looked back almost wanting to cry. "You made this for them?"

           Jungkook nodded. "I made it to look the best for our babies." Jungkook added. "Go on~ check the others." Jungkook smiled sitring back and watching Jimin.

             Jimin held up the second gift and tore the wrapping paper open to see what it was. There was another white box and Jimin took the lid off to see a small book. This wasn't just any book, it was a baby book full of nurseries and folktales. This book wasn't the same Jungkook read to Jimin and his late daughter, this book was a different one with a green smooth cover named. "Sweet dreams: Nursery rhymes and folktales."

             Jimin smiled and when he picked up the book, he realized there was another book on the bottom of the box which was a photo collage book for memories! Jimin placed the folktale book down and took out the photo book. On the photo book cover, the book was white, it had cotton as clouds and small decorations of a baby chicken and a bunny. There was hearts and baby pacifiers around. The stickers and papers were soft material and there was soft sricker words spelling out "Sung Ji and Eun Min"

              Jimin opened the big book of memories and noticed the ultrasound pictures were already set into the book. Just seeing this all warmed his heart. Jimin kept turning the pages happily thinking about other memories he will share with Jungkook and his babies soon when they are born. The thought made him grow happy. Jimin set the gift down and opened the last gift of the babies to see it was just a box to lift the wrapped box lid. Jimin opened the gift and felt Jungkook stand up behind him. In the box there was a small note on top of tissue paper everywhere. The note read.

        "Not only a gift for one of us... This goes for all of us."

          Jimin placed the note down and took out all of the white decorating paper to see a folded paper at the bottom next to newborn shoes. There was yellow small timberlands and pink timberlands. One was for Eun Min and the other was for Sung Ji. It was adorable there was actually shoes Jungkook went out to buy for the unborn babies.

           "Jimin... Read the note~" Jungkook stepped in a bit closer as Jimin unfolded what seems to be an important document! Jimin looked up at Jungkook who was close now. Jungkook got on his knees behind Jimin as the pink haired boy unfolded the papers to see it wasn't some useless piece of paper, it was the restraining order! No wonder Je-anne hasn't been around for a long time. There was one for Jungkook and Jimin and this was enough to make him pull Jungkook into a hug in tears now. "Now we wouldn't have her come near us at all..." Jungkook claimed kissing Jimin on the forehead.

           "T-thankyou..." Jimin cried in his lover's arms feeling the younger caress Jimin's pink hair into the hug. "I-I love you... Thankyou for making her go away..."

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