Chapter 51: Break~

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         "AH-JUNGKOOK!" Jimin shouted loudly huffing and moaning. Jungkook just kept hitting Jimin's sweet spot enjoying how he had Jimin on the bed screaming Jungkook's name.

           "Ah- how I love it when you cry for me..." Jungkook panted as he kept thrusting deep making Jimin grow weak. "M-more? Huh?" Jungkook asked whispering to Jimin's ear. "My stong Jimin~"

             "Ahh... Ah~ Jungkook~" Jimin bit down onto the bed sheets tightly as he dropped his hand down to touch himself and jerk off to Jungkook's thrusts.

              Jungkook only smirked while he kept thrusting into Jimin roughly. Jimin's whimpers were enough to make Jungkook feel aroused. After thrusting into Jimin for a while, Jungkook turned Jimin over still thrusting but now he was pushing in and pulling out gently.

           Jimin's cock had pre-cum all over his balls and slit. "J-Jungkook... W-why did you stop?" Jimin whimpered.

             "Do you want to ride me, darling?~" Jungkook moved in cupping the tired man's face. "Hm?"

           Jimin was out of breath just tilting his head back panting. "Y-yes..." Jimin nodded as Jungkook pulled out to allow Jimin to get on top of him. Jungkook didn't realize the condom was close to breaking... But Jimin knew it.

          Jimin set himself on top of Jungkook moaning gently as Jimin began to move on his own pace. He grinded his hips gently. "A-ah... J-jungkook..." Jimin moaned Jungkooks name as his slit began to gush white pre-cum. "F-fuck.." Jimin whimpered.

          Jungkook layed his head back closing his eyes, moaning and panting as he loved how Jimin's hole felt around his member. "Mmm- Jimin~ ah Jimin go faster~" Jungkook moaned as he moved his hips up slightly.

            Jimin moved faster, he ran his hands up Jungkook's chest and layed on his lover still moving much more faster. Jungkook moved his hands down to hug Jimin tightly holding onto Jimin's hair and suck on Jimin's bite mark. Jungkook wanted Jimin to be more faster so he held Jimin's hands intertwining with them while he thrusted upwards making Jimin start to moan loudly again.

          "OH JUNGKOOK IT HURTS!" Jimin cried but still held Jungkook's hand tightly.

           Jungkook opened his eyes seeing Jimin keeping his eyes shut while he moaned. Jungkook kissed the man's red lips and bit the bottom hearing Jimin mewl. "Cum.. Cum for me.. Do it Jimin~ I won't stop until you reach your climax."

           Jimin nodded while panting as he loosened his hands on Jungkook's and hugged the younger tightly. This made Jungkook sit up and hold Jimin into a hug aswell while he thrusted upwards into the man roughly. That's when the condom broke.

             Jungkook didn't realize it but Jimin felt it and kept silent.. He felt Jungkook's hard tip pierce into his entrance deeper and deeper hitting his sweet spot. Jimin had saliva jumping out of his mouth as he opened his mouth to let moans. Jungkook was fucking Jimin roughly to the point where the pain became Jimin's pleasure.

          Jimin didn't complain how much it hurted, it began to feel good to him as his entrance became loose. He was use to Jungkook's size. "Fuck... Fuck.. Jimin..." Jungkook huffed into Jimin's ear as Jimin grew tired. The smaller one digged his nails onto Jungkook's back and scratched deeply making Jungkook groan silently.

           "J-Jungkook..." Jimin whimpered. "Jungkook... I-"

             "D-don't tell me.. Cum whenever you can..." Jungkook stated as his voice was deep making Jimin close his eyes tightly wanting to cum now. Jimin then released his cum onto Jungkook's skin as their bodies were still held tightly together. The cum pressed onto both of their skins as it rubbed off on their lower bodies while Jungkook kept thrusting.

           Jimin was panting and moaning weakly until Jungkook realeased into what he believed was the condom... Jungkook layed back holding Jimin tightly in his grasps not wanting to let go of Jimin for a second.

            Jimin felt Jungkook shoot his semen inside of him... But he didn't want to say a word about it... Jimin didn't know what came over him, telling Jungkook about the condom breaking was too late now. So, the older man decided to stay silent about it.

             Jungkook raised Jimin's hips slightly to pull out and take off the condom, again not realizing it was torn from how Jungkook thrusted roughly. Jungkook took off the condom and just tossed it off again. The light of the room wasn't the best so Jungkook couldn't tell if it was ripped.

             Jimin noticed it was torn but he laid on Jungkook not caring about it. "I love you Jungkook..." Jimin whispered.

             "Ah- h-ah I love you too, my little sweet prince.." Jungkook trailed his hands up Jimin's worm out body and held him close.

            "W-will you still love me?" Jimin asked already feeling the slight guilt.

            "Of course I will." Jungkook looked down smiling at Jimin. "That felt good..." Jungkook commented.

              Jimin tiredly layed his head on Jungkook's chest. "I-It still feels like you're thrusting roughly into me..."

              Jungkook chuckled resting his hands on Jimin's pink fluffy hair and moving it around playfully as he left a kiss on Jimin's forehead. The two layed on the bed until they had enough energy to wash up.

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