Chapter 72: Puzzle

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      Jimin woke up around 4am. He sat up and placed his hand over his stomach already feeling the morning sickness kick in so harshly. Jimin then moved his hand up to his forehead and took deep breaths closing his eyes hoping for the slight pain to stop. Jimin felt nauseas and to think he'll have to go through this every day for the rest of his 9-months! and this was only the first trimester. Jimin tried to handle the nausea by closing his eyes and taking a moment to breathe. He was sitting in the dark trying not to hurl the only food he ate within the hours. But then Jimin felt many symptoms happen at the same time, he grew sick of it.

           As the morning sickness began to go down, Jimin let out a sharp breath and turned to Jungkook seeing how Jungkook was asleep calmly. Jimin never felt so envious to be that calm when asleep. The hardships of holding a living baby inside wasn't as easy as he expected it would be. Jimin shook Jungkook awake until he opened his eyes thinking something bad was happening to Jimin.

          "Jimin? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked sitting up in his underwear and socks. Nothing more but just those two things on him.

          "C-can you get me something to eat? And drink..?" Jimin requested in a soft yet trembling voice.

          "Oh! Before I got to bed I was sure to bring you a few things to eat if you woke up so early." Jungkook grabbed the bottle of fresh apple juice from the bedside table and handed it to Jimin. He also handed Jimin the small box of pasteries and chips. Jimin smiled and accepted it feeling happy that he had Jungkook by his side everyday. "After you eat those, do not go to sleep just right after... Give it some time."

           "Yes, Jungkook." Jimin claimed as Jungkook smiled laying back on the bed to sleep. Jungkook covered himself with the blanket as Jimin stayed sitting up eating. Jimin felt happy there was someone like Jungkook here to take care of his needs. Even when Jungkook specifically said no to having a baby. Jimin got pregnant and Jungkook stayed with him. At first Jimin was afraid of telling Jungkook, he worried about what Jungkook would do to him if he was to tell him. Luckily, all Jungkook did was get mad at first but then all that anger went away so quickly. Jungkook couldn't stay angry at his Jimin for a long time. Although, Jimin just wondered if deep down... was Jungkook alright with all of this secretly?

          Jimin knew maybe he was but he couldn't be so sure. Jungkook was like a puzzle, it was hard to make the true picture with little things he would speak about. He kept to himself and was quiet about most things but the love he had for his soulmate was everything to him, and that he was very sure of.

         After eating the snacks, all was left was just one small cake in the plastic box container and a small amount of juice at the bottom of the bottle.  Jimin placed the things onto the bedside table and decided to atleast stand up to move around. He walked up to his cabinet and decided to change out of his clothes and into something more comfortable to sleep in. Jimin was only wearing the clothes he had during the day so, he took out one of his flowing pink sleeved shirt, small white shorts to sleep in and white long socks.

         "Why do I dress up like this?" Jimin thought as he decided to put the white shorts and the pink sleeved shirt back. He then decided to grab the oversized jacket Jungkook gave him and wear a casual sweatpants.

          Jimin left the room with Jungkook sleeping to walk into the living room. Then, Jimin thought of watching Tv while he was there. The man walked over to the kitchen to grab a few more snacks so he wouldn't have to get up again. Jimin felt a little bit sleepy, he knew that after this he'll probably drop onto the couch and sleep due to how tired he gets now.

            As Jimin was watching a few dramas from a 24/7 program that gives shows and episodes any time of day, Jimin placed his hand on his bump gently while watching. He was laying on the couch, slowly about to sleep when he felt a little but soft kick on his stomach! Jimin flinched and looked down, he was wide awake now!

           "W-what? How is this happening? Isn't this a bit too soon?" Jimin panicked as he waited for another kick.. But there was nothing after. It was weird how the baby made a first kick even around the early weeks of his trimester. Jimin didn't realize this was only a bit natural, but he took it as something to be afraid about.

         Soon, Jungkook woke up to realize Jimin wasn't in bed and quickly looked around on the bed to see where Jimin was. "Jimin?!" Jungkook bolted out of the room only to see Jimin spent the early morning on the couch sleeping with his hand over his stomach in hopes of feeling the soft kick again.

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