Chapter 41: Under control~

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         "Jimin~" Jungkook whispered slowly moving into kiss the boy. "Jimin, you're mine.. I want to touch what's mine... Can I?"

         Jimin nodded making a smile as Jungkook began to undo Jimin's zipper on Jimin's pink Jumpsuit. Just as Jungkook pulled down Jimin's Jumpsuit, he smiled looking down at Jimin's pale chest. Jungkook pulled the diaper Jimin had and looked up at his lover while Jimin still had on the jumpsuit.

          Jimin held up his hands to intertwine with Jungkook as they kissed sexually using their tongues into the kiss. Jimin tightened their hand contact and let out a moan feeling Jungkook suck onto the older man's tongue. Jungkook sucked it as he let out gentle groans while moving his hand down to touch Jimin's sensitive and warm member, trying to get Jimin erected.

            "A-ah... Ah... Jungkook! Ah- I-I'm sensitive t-there!" Jimin moaned as Jungkook only continued to kiss Jimin and lick along his bottom lip.

            "That's a good thing~" Jungkook smirked as Jimin felt Jungkook give his member a gentle squeeze.

             "O-oh Jungkook!~" Jimin layed his head back and huffed steadily as his chest moved up and down along with his huffs.

            "Shh... Relax.." Jungkook whispered as he unclipped the strap of his overalls and pulled it down making Jimin looked down surprised Jungkook was going to let him see for the first time. 

           Jimin watched Jungkook pull down his overalls as they hanged by his knees. Jungkook took off his white T-shirt staring at Jimin. Jungkook decided to strip from his remaining clothes leaving him with only his underwear. His buldge grew bigger as he stared at Jimin laying on the couch still having his jumpsuit along his arms and legs but only the zipper pulled down the center to expose Jimin's body. Jungkook leaned over to kiss Jimin hearing the man under him letting out huffs.

           Jungkook then felt the hem of Jimin's frilled pink socks move up his hips and rest by his hips. Jimin was able to free his legs from the jumpsuit but all was left was his arms still in the sleeves of the jumpsuit.

           Jungkook placed his hand down to Jimin's entrance and began to finger Jimin softly with just two fingers. Jungkook placed his fingers in and out of the man prepping him as Jimin's hole began to lubricate.

            Jimin pressed his legs down onto the couch as he arched his back making Jungkook add in two more instantly. Jimin became wet as he let out moans. "A-ah! Jungkook... I-I want you're cock.." Jimin moaned licking his lips before Jungkook leaned over pressing his lips on Jimin's wet and warm plump lips. Jungkook loved hearing how wet Jimin was becoming. The sounds were silent as he played with Jimin's hole a bit more until he felt like putting himself in.

          Jimin was wet enough for Jungkook to penetrate him now. As Jungkook pulled his fingers out of Jimin he began to pull down his underwear revealing his length to Jimin.

           The man finally saw Jungkook completely naked and smiled as he held such a lustful face. Jimin swiped his tongue in between his lips making a smile. Jungkook held his hands up as Jimin moved his hands to lock with Jungkook's hand again. "Don't let go of my hand..." Jungkook slowly pressed Jimin's hands over his head and leaned over to the man's ear. "..okay?"

        Jimin nodded holding Jungkook's hands tightly. Jimin didn't realize Jungkook wasn't wearing a condom as he thrusted in slowly pressing the head of his cock in. Jimin held Jungkook's hand tightly letting out huffs feeling how good Jungkook felt inside. This time there was no condom separating Jungkook from actually thrusting into Jimin and feeling the smaller man's tight and wet walls.

                Jungkook groaned roughly leaning to Jimin's ear and kissing the side of the older's cheek, Jimin closed his eyes moaning as he moved his hips along with thrust Jungkook did. The two kept holding hands along the way, Jungkook felt himself going fast into Jimin. Jungkook heard Jimin hitch his breath making his moans seem longer and louder.

              "AH- J-Jungkook... Ah-ah-Ah!" Jimin whimpered and had his back arched until it hurted, Jungkook was just thrusting good and harsh enough into Jimin making the older feel this way.

            Jimin heard Jungkook's heavy groans into his ear which made his cock gush with pre-cum already. "Jungkook! y-yes ah~" Jimin moaned wanting to move his hands up to hold Jungkook or even grab onto something but he couldn't free his hand from Jungkook. That was something he didn't want to let go.

               The older boy felt Jungkook's pre-cum leak inside of him and thats when Jimin realized, Jungkook wasn't wearing a condom. "Ah- J-Jungkook! W-wai-ah... Wait!" Jimin whimpered. Jungkook just  thought Jimin wanted to move his position or move his hands.

         The younger removed his hands and held himself up by planting his hands on the couch as he slowed his thrusts. "Want a better position, My prince?~" Jungkook huffed as Jimin looked worried and shook his head.

           "J-Jungkook! A-ah p-protection!" Jimin cried as Jungkook smiled laying back on Jimin with a smile moving his hands back to hold Jimin's again.

         "It's okay Jimin... I-It'll be safe... safe for today..." Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear making the pink haired boy feel a bit more safer now.. He trusted Jungkook and believed Jungkook had this under control. Jimin allowed his lover to keep going in on him raw.

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