Chapter Eight

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Because I was a girl who had grown up on the land, I hated how for once the news forecast was correct and there was not a cloud in sight.
The blue sky was like a huge, daunting canvas hung up in the universe.
I wished like crazy, day after day, much like no doubt every other Farmer that black clouds would roll in and it would rain.
I knew that everybody at home was stressing over the nonexistent weather.
Those who came in to visit Me at the Hospital tried not to make comment on the struggles that were going on at Home.
But I could see the worry behind the smiles that my Grandparents wore.
We needed rain.
I was well overdue for a catch-up with my best friends.
Hayley, Noah and I were having a picnic outside behind the Hospital, the girls having driven out here to visit.
Luka was joining us, as was Baby Knox.
Luka crowed, not for the first time, offering Me a grin and pointing to Knox who was laying peacefully in Noah's arms.
"He is a Baby."
I agreed.
"It's a shame Brodie and Dale couldn't come out too."
Hayley spoke softly, as if she was worried her words might trigger some adverse reaction from Me.
I turned my head to look towards the Hospital's huge building and couldn't help but to feel a pang of sadness in my heart.
Brodie and Dale were in there, in the Neonatal Unit, while the rest of us were out here socializing.
"Even Nate said it's probably not a good idea just yet."
I admitted, turning back to the girls and Luka.
"They're still borderline Low Immunity."
The twins weren't born so premature that they were in dire health troubles, but they were early enough that they were still watched around the clock and weren't on clearance to go home yet.
"I can't wait for Knox to meet them."
Noah stated with a smile, her gaze dropping down to her soundly sleeping Son.
Luka questioned, a slight frown marring his adorable little face.
"This is Knox."
Noah told him, gesturing to the Baby.
Luka declared, a grin replacing his fown.
He pushed himself off my side and ran the few steps across to Noah.
"Careful Luka."
I warned.
He might be small to us, but he was still easily big enough to squish poor Knox.
"Want to give Knox a kss?"
Noah asked my Toddler Son.
Luka grinned.
"Too cute!"
Hayley whispered, her grey eyes widening.
I hurriedly grabbed my phone off the picnic blanket.
Luka kissing another boy, even if it was our best friends' Baby, could go two ways when Blayze found out!
I felt almost a little evil as I quickly activated my phone's camera.
"Kneel down."
Noah urged Luka.
My Son hurried to obey, quickly getting down onto his knees.
Noah told him with a smile.
A grin brightening his adorable little face, Luka placed his hands onto the black, blue and white checkered picnic blanket and leaned down to place a lips puckered kiss onto Knox's mouth.
I snapped several photos, hoping I scored at least one good one.
Hayley cooed, her grey eyes shiniong.
Knox began to squirm.
Luka pulled back, his expression thoughtful as he looked down at the now alert Baby.
"Good job Buddy!"
Noah prasied Luka, reaching one hand out to ruffle his Wrangler cap covered head.
Luka asked Noah, peering up at her face.
"Baby Knox."
Noah agreed, a smile tugging her lips as she nodded.
Luka looked back down at the small person in Noah's arms.
He mimicked.
Oh my god!
I quickly activated the video function.
"Who's that Luka?"
I asked my Boy.
He twisted around to look at Me.
I tapped the record button.
"Who's with Noah?"
I prompted Luka.
He twisted around to look at Noah, then into her lap.
He declared, twisting back around to grin at Me.
Damn it!
But it was cute anyway.
"Baby Knox."
Noah agreed, her smile growing.
Luka grinned.
I stopped the recording and set my phone back onto the picnic blanket.
"C'mere cutie pie!"
I encouraged the small Boy, holding my arms open.
"That was just the cutest thing ever!"
Hayley whispered.
Luka scrambled onto his feet and ran over to Me, throwing himself into my open arms.
I winced a little, at the strain on my belly due to my tensing my muscles in order to hold myself and Luka steady.
But I'd take the discomfort if it meant having my Luka Blayze in my arms.
Luka sat down in my lap and cuddled himself into my body.
"Oh I so have to get a photo of this!"
Noah declared, snatching her phone up off the floor.
"But I look like crap!"
I protested, looping my arms loosely around Luka's perfect little body.
"You do not!"
Hayley scolded.
Noah raised her phone and a moment later I heard a camera click.
Luka declared, his body going a bit rigid in my lap as I'm guessing he sat up straighter and grinned at Noah.
"Good boy!"
Noah praised him and I couldn't help but smile.
The camera sound went off again.
Noah declared, smiling at her phone's screen.
Luka twisted around in my lap to look up at Me.
He questioned.
"No... that would be Mummy!"
Noah teased, grinning.
I shook my head at her, but smiled down at Luka and placed a kiss on his nose.
"You'll see Daddy soon."
I promised him.

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