Chapter Nineteen

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Thank you so, so much for the votes and comments on Chapter Eighteen!
I so love hearing from you all and hope to hear from more of you!
Thanks so much!
💚💙 PalominoDreamtime 💚💙


I startled awake, my heart thumping away inside my chest.
Sunrise was starting, the sky beginning to slowly lighten.
I twisted around to find there was indeed a good reason for my waking up.
Blayze was back, Keegan and Codie with him.
I scrambled off the lounge, trying to blink away my fatigue.
"Oh my god!"
I snapped my head around to see Noah stumbling out of the armchair she'd apparently fallen asleep in.
I couldn't remember either one of us drifting off.
Apparently we got too tired to keep holding our eyes open.
Noah practically sprinted between the lounge room furniture, stumbling a little on her tired legs.
She collided with an exhausted looking Codie, throwing her arms around his shoulders and burying her face into the crook of his neck, her feet dangling off the floor due to his height compared with her's.
"You're an idiot!"
She squeaked, her face still buried into his skin even though she was trying to talk.
"You had Me worried sick!"
"Why aren't you in bed?"
I turned around as Blayze stepped up to Me.
He looked like shit, but thankfully nowhere near as bad as Codie.
Or as bad as I'd found him when I'd finally woken up in the Hospital.
This time he was just tired.
"I fell asleep."
I told him.
He'd been trying to encourage Me to go to sleep basically all night.
"But we were worried and waiting for you guys to get back."
Beyond thankful that he was finally home, I stepped into him and wrapped my arms around his back, burying my face into his t-shirt encased chest, suddenly feeling ten times more tired.
"Go to bed."
He urged Me, wrapping his arms around my back.
"Try and get at least some rest before the Boy's wake up."
If Sunrise was on its way, it would maybe be a couple of hours before at least Brodie and Dale would be up, possibly even Luka too.
I definitely needed some sleep.
In our bed.
Preferably with Blayze's arms wrapped around Me.
"You need to get some sleep too."
I mumbled into his t-shirt covered chest.
"I'm gonna take Hayley and Summer home."
I peeled myself off Blayze, only remembering Keegan was here because he'd finally spoken.
I glanced to the couch where Hayley was still curled up, sleeping.
Summer was still asleep in Brodie's bassinet on the floor.
"I'll give ya a hand."
Blayze offered.
Keegan smiled weakly and nodded.
Blayze twisted around to face Me.
He met my eyes, then pointed to the darkened hallway.
I narrowed my eyes at him, folding my arms under my chest.
"I'm not one of our Dog's!"
I gritted through my teeth.
"But I will go to bed. After everybody's organised."
He sighed heavily and shook his head.
"Can't fucking win."
He grumbled and turned around to help Keegan.
"The room upstairs is ready to go."
He told Codie and Noah.
"Thanks mate."
Codie replied, arms wrapped around Noah, his voice rough.
"Summer or Hayley?"
Keegan asked Blayze, a smile twitching at his lips.
Blayze looked between the two sleeping girls, one of them one of my best friend's and the other an infant.
I very nearly laughed.
I probably would have if I wasn't so exhausted.
Hayley shifted and suddenly her grey eyes opened.
"What's going on?"
She asked, her voice coated in sleep, lifting her hands to rub her face.
Keegan bent down to ease Baby Summer out of the bassinet and settle her into his arms.
"Let's get home."
He urged Hayley.
Hayley blinked her eyes a few times and pushed herself into a sitting position.
Keegan settled Summer into one arm and slipped the strap of the nappy bag over his opposite shoulder.
Hayley located her handbag and phone and slowly followed Keegan out the front door.
Codie and Noah headed for the stairs, Codie having picked Baby Knox up without Me even realising.
I blinked my heavy eyes.
God I hope the Kid's let me get a bit more sleep...
I melted into Blayze at the feel of his hand on the small of my back.
"It's been a long night."
I sighed, resting my head against his side.
He agreed, propping the 'P'.
We slipped into the hallway and paused at first Luka's doorway to check in on him and then the Twin's.

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