Chapter Seventeen

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"Pull over!"
I ordered, scrambling to unbuckle my seat belt.
The outskirts of Currency Creek loomed ahead of us, but I had to once again get out of the car right now!
It was that; or I'd vomit right throughout the interior.
Blayze eased the F550 off to the side of the bitumized road, Garth Brooks' Unanswered Prayers currently playing at a background volume in hopes to distract us all.
I wouldn't say it was working.
I got my seatbelt undone and scrambled to open the passenger side door.
I all but tumbled out of the car, stumbling as my boots hit the gravel at the side of the bitumen road.
A red car sped past us, going at probably at least 90K's an hour.
I only managed to find a hip height bush before I couldn't hold it back any longer.
For the third time on the drive alone, I hunched over and released the remaining contents of my stomach, acid burning in my throat and mouth, tears springing to my eyes.
How there was anything else for Me to throw up was beyond Me.
I didn't manage to eat Dinner last night, too terrified about today and I definitely didn't have anything besides a couple of cups of coffee this morning for breakfast!
Wiping the back of my right hand against my mouth, I made my way back to the Ute on slightly shaky legs.
My knees all but trembled.
Do day at the Hospital.
I was positively terrified about what they had in store for Me today.
Of what they might set for Me in terms of treatment plans.
I really didn't want to become so sick I couldn't look after my Babies!
"You okay Baby?"
Mum asked as I climbed my way back into the passenger seat, her concern audible in her voice.
I muttered, pulling my seat belt around my body.
My heart was practically sprinting inside my chest, my veins thrumming with nerves.
My appointment was set to take place in twenty minutes and we weren't even at the Hospital yet.
Talk about cutting it close...
Blayze checked both ways for traffic and pulled back out onto the road, some gravel flicking up behind us as the rear wheels spun.
I looked into the passenger side mirror and found a trio of wild Goat's standing on the roadside, one biggest, one slightly smaller and the last a lot smaller, all three staring after our departing car.
My throat grew tight and I swallowed hard.

Blayze, Mum, Uncle Lukas and I sat in the Waiting Room, a few other people dotted around, waiting on their Doctor's.
My stomach was churning and my head aching with an unrelenting headache that had been present for about the last twenty four hours.
Mum sat to my left, one knee crossed over the other and her expression tight, full of apprehension.
Blayze sat to my right, leaning forward, his elbows propped on his stonewashed jeans clad thighs, his expression mostly unreadable, but his blue-green eyes churning with a whirlwind of emotions.
Uncle Lukas paced the shiny Lino floor in front of us, his boots squeaking every now and again.
"Uncle! You're making Me want to hurl!"
I protested, squeezing my eyes shut.
"You've already been doin' that."
He retorted.
"Both of you just cut it out..."
Mum all but groaned.
"What're you guys doin' here?"
A familiar English accented voice reached my ears.
I snapped my head up, popping my eyes open to find Doctor Nate Legend approaching us.
Uncle Lukas wheeled around, his gaze immediately landing on our favourite Doctor.
Blayze shifted beside Me and before I could think to make a move to stop him, he was on his feet.
He'd already confessed to Me over the weekend that he was itching to punch somebody the hell out.
Nate definitely didn't deserve to be that person.
I warned, scrambling to my own feet.
Doctor Legend glanced to Blayze, then to Me, raising his dark eyebrows.
On Thursday I'd told Him about what I'd learned from the other Doctor.
"F-follow up w-with Doctor M-Mercy."
I squeaked, struggling to even get the words out.
An almost frown fell upon the Doctor's brow.
His green gaze flickered from Blayze, to Mum and to Uncle Lukas, but lingered on Me.
"Do you mind if I sit in on this meeting?"
"That might be good."
Uncle Lukas stated, stepping up.
"None of us are all that good at understanding Doctor Speak."
"I'm still fairly positive I'll wind up punching someone."
Blayze declared, folding his arms across his chest.
"Take it easy."
Doctor Legend reasoned, placing a hand on Blayze's shoulder.
Blayze shrugged him off, shooting him a bitter glare.
"You've been treating her for over two fucking years Nate!"
He fumed, very nearly shouting.
"Why the fuck's nothing been done?!"
I protested, grabbing onto the fabric of his green Bullzye t-shirt and giving it a tug.
"Leave Nate alone!"
My throat grew suddenly thick.
"This isn't his fault!"
I croaked, hot and prickling tear's springing to my eyes.
Blayze opened his mouth to answer Me.
"Bailey Harley?"
We all snapped our attention around to the new voice.
When my gaze landed on Doctor Mercy, it felt like all my blood rushed straight down to the tips of my toes.
Doctor Mercy's scrutinising gaze travelled over everybody who was gathered with Me, before landing back on my face.
"Are you ready?"
She asked, her tone surprisingly gentle.
I swallowed hard, my heart literally pounding inside my chest.
Of course I bloody wasn't!
I wasn't ready to learn my fate.
Yet I knew I had to, for the sake of my Son's, Blayze and my family.
We had to know what we were in store for.
"A-as I'll ever be!"
I squeaked, my voice deciding to hardly work.
The Doctor's gaze flickered to Mum, Uncle Lukas and Blayze.
"Unfortunately there isn't really an accurate estimation for how long this could take."
She explained.
"You might want to hit the Shop's or find some other way to occupy yourselves for a while..."
No way!
My heart nearly stopped beating.
"They're coming!"
I insisted, the sudden strength in my voice surprising even Me.
"I need them."
There was no way I would be able to cope with today's events without Blayze, Mum and even Uncle Lukas being at my side.
I wasn't sure I'd cope even with having their support.
Doctor Mercy's stern yet sensitive expression softened.
She relented.
"But the room might be squishy."
A squishy room was the least of my problems.
I bit into my lower lip and nodded quickly.
"Doctor Mercy, while I know you're more than capable, Bailey here has requested my assistance Today."
Doctor Legend spoke up, stepping forward.
I requested his assistance?
I'm pretty sure he asked if he could join us!
Doctor Mercy looked taken aback, but soon schooled her expression.
She pressed her lips together and nodded quickly.
"Let's head into the room."
Doctor Mercy declared and turned on her heel to lead the way.

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