Chapter Thirty Two

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Thank you so much for the votes and comments on Chapter Thirty One 😍 and a HUGE thank you to Jessie160802 and RachelBaker976 and ReneSolomon for answering my question 😍😍😍

I awoke to the gentle streams of sunlight drifting through a few gaps in the curtains of our bedroom.
I was warm, cozy, comfortable...
I blinked my sleep heavy eyes, trying to wake up.
If the sun was up, then it wouldn't be long before the Kid's would wake up and the day would start.
Speaking of Kid's...
I could feel the warmth of Blayze's body wrapped around me and the slow and steady rise and fall of his chest against my back.
He definitely wasn't my Kid, but he was my Baby Daddy.
My Fiancé.
I was fairly confident that he was the love of my life.
What time did he even get home?
I remembered falling asleep with my head on his pillow, breathing in his familiar scent that lingered on the fabric, but I didn't recall him climbing into bed with me.
I twisted around to face him, struggling a little under the weight of his arms and legs that had found themselves wrapped around me, but I eventually managed to rest with my hand placed against his chest, our faces a mere six inches away from each other.
His eyelids fluttered, but other than that, in typical Blayze fashion, he didn't move an inch.
I'd slept just as soundly once upon a time...
Which is why it surprised me that I'd not woken up when he'd returned Home.
Since having Luka I usually awoke to any sound, in case it was my Babies needing me.
"Wake up sleepyhead."
I coaxed him, stretching my neck so I could place a kiss on his cheek.
His breathing altered, a hitch interrupting his next long inhale.
I tried, stretching my neck once again to place a kiss on his face, this time at his jaw.
A slight frown marred his brow.
"Wake up!"
I tried not to whine like a petulant child who wasn't getting a toy at the end of the weekly shop with Mum.
I strained forward and gently kissed his pink lips.
His arms tightened around my waist and his blue-green eyes drifted open.
I did it!
I couldn't help but grin.
"Good morning!"
I whispered, hoping we'd get at least a few moments alone before the Kid's and our house guests woke up.
He grumbled something that was apparently meant to pass for a greeting and closed his eyes, nestling his head a bit more snugly into the pillow.
"Excuse me?"
I asked, raising a questioning eyebrow even though he was choosing not to watch my face.
Blayze grunted, stubbornly keeping his eyes closed.
"Wake up."
I insisted.
He made a 'hmph' sound, keeping his eyes closed.
Enough is enough!
I know he's got work to do today.
He's started out late enough as it is!
I shifted myself up into a sitting position and pushed at his right shoulder to get him to roll onto his back.
He snapped his eyes open once he was flat on his back and I quickly slung my left leg over his legs and straddled him.
"Wake up."
I insisted.
He groaned and lifted his hands to rub them over his face.
"I'm awake..."
He sighed heavily.
"What time did you get in last night?"
I asked him.
"About midnight..."
He lowered his hands and folded them across his golden, toned chest.
I frowned.
That wasn't too late...
"Came to bed about one."
He explained.
I tipped my head to the side, eyeing him questioningly.
"Talked with the Kid for a bit."
He told me.
"He's crashed out on the lounge."
The Kid?!
I smacked his shoulder.
"He has a name, Blayze!"
I hissed, trying not to wake anybody else up just yet.
"Well it's weird using my name on somebody else!"
He hissed back.
Well that was fair enough.
Hold on a minute...
"He's here?"
I asked, eyes widening.
Blayze frowned.
"Well you said last night it would be okay..."
I nodded quickly, my heart rate slowing slightly.
I did say that.
I guess because I'd fallen asleep, the answer had just come as a bit of a shock.
"Is he okay? What happened?"
I asked him, wrapping my arms around my stomach.
The smallest of smiles graced Blayze's lips, his eyes developing a gentle sparkle to them.
He shook his head and slipped his right hand onto my left thigh, giving my leg a gentle squeeze.
"I don't think even He quite knows what his problem is."
He denied.
"As far as I can figure, he's just a Kid with itchy feet."
I frowned, chewing on my bottom lip.
"Maybe his Mum need's to pay a bit more attention then."
I muttered.
The Kid told us he's fifteen.
It's hardly safe for him to be nicking off whenever he see's fit.
"Enough talkin' for now."
Blayze ran his left hand up my right side to cup my elbow, then from my elbow up my arm, sending a trail of tingles down my spine.
His hand found its way to the back of my neck and he urged me forward.
Curious about his plan, I let him guide me forward, gripping his hips with my thighs and leaning my top half down until our lips collided.
This sure sounded better than scurrying out of bed to get the day started!
I slipped my hands up to run my fingers into his raven hair, glad that his hair cut he'd gotten with Luka was still holding its shape.
His hands moved to roam under my t-shirt (Okay well his shirt) and ran a burning path up my back.
His tongue caressed mine and with his hands running a scorching path up my sides, I knew thanks to the super tight coil on my lower belly, that I was doomed.
The caress of his member against my inner thigh informed me that he too was definitely under the spell.
I dragged my mouth off his and trailed kisses across his jaw and down his neck, taking a path to the raised peak of his left nipple.
As my lips closed around the bud, his hands bunched up the fabric of my t-shirt and pulled it up my back.
I sat up to finish off the task of taking the t-shirt off and he too sat up, throwing the t-shirt over the side of the bed, but ducking his head to swirl his tongue around my own straining left nipple.
I closed my eyes and wound my arms around his shoulders, gritting my teeth against an animalistic groan that wanted to escape my mouth.
His teeth lightly graced my apparently super sensitive flesh and a shudder made my body tremble.
I rocked my hips against his, gripping his shoulders even tighter.
I gasped, trying super hard not to moan.
At this point in time, we both knew full well what the only solution was.
"Please what?"
He asked, placing a kiss on my collarbone, his voice husky.
I groaned, digging my fingernails into his back.
"You know damn well what!"
He flipped us around so that I landed on my back on the mattress, my heart sprinting inside my chest.
"Are you sure?"
He asked, hovering above me, holding himself up by his arms, his arm muscles flexing mouth-wateringly.
I swear he's bigger and stronger these days than he ever has been...
Or maybe that was just my inner moaning goddess who wanted his body so badly...
He reached over to open the top drawer beside my side of the bed, because we both knew what the rule was these days.
Not keen to waste any more time, I shimmied myself out of my clothes, then started on his boxer shorts while he ripped open the foil packet.

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