Chapter Forty Two

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Hello beautiful people! 😍💚💙💜 I'm sorry for the incredibly long wait 😤😥😭
Unfortunately I suffered a bit of writer's block and every time I would try and write, nothing would come out 😤😥😭 so I quit pushing myself to and well, what do you know, eventually I was able to again 😃😍💚💙💜
Hope you enjoy the update!

"Did you tell him?"
I glanced sideways at Noah, while my hands kept busy in their task of stirring the mixture together for my upcoming Blueberry Muffins.
"Tell who, what?"
I asked, a frown pulling my brow.
Folding her arms under her chest, my friend/housemate turned so her left side was all but pressed against the kitchen counter and she faced Me.
My stomach dropped a level when I read her glowering expression.
Biting into my bottom lip, I turned my gaze back to my muffin batter.
I all but whispered.
Blazye was released from Hospital yesterday.
In the less than twenty four hours since, there'd been not one appropriate time to inform him that his Mother and Sister apparently hate my guts and that I now no longer exactly cared for either one of them.
"You're kinda gonna have to tell him."
I could hear the frown in Noah's tone.
"What if He wants to like, invite them over, or something?"
My spine stiffened at the idea of trying to put on a performance of tolerating Loralai and Madison.
I dropped the wooden spoon against the rim of the bowl and reached to the side to grab the muffin tray.
"Well, in that case I would just have to think of a reason why I have to be elsewhere."
I muttered.
Every ounce of Me knew that not telling Blayze wasn't a good idea.
But a large chunk of Me couldn't see how I was supposed to tell Him of such information and have our lives remain hunky dory.
It's not possible.
The devilish little know-it-all voice in my head piped up.
"I certainly don't claim to know everything."
Noah reasoned.
"But you need to tell Blazye what they're really like."
She was probably right.
But Blayze was still rebuilding his relationship with his Mother.
He was yet to even start rebuilding one with Madison.
"Tell Blayze about what?"
My heart momentarily stopped inside my chest.
But, realising the voice belonged to Codie and not Blayze, I breathed deeply.
Noah turned her head and I lifted mine as Codie approached the tall portion of the kitchen bench.
"About his so called Mother and Sister."
Noah explained.
She told him about it.
Sighing, I turned my focus back to putting the Muffin batter evenly into the little patty pan's.
"I'd tell him, Bail's."
I snapped my gaze up, to look at Codie's face.
"Before He find's out from someone else."
Codie stated.
Inwardly I winced.
They were probably right.
I should tell him.
He'd be even more mad if he found out through somebody else.
But I didn't want to be the one who A) Made him hate his remaining Family, other than Heath and his Father or B) Seemed like I expected him to choose between Me and his Mother and Sister.
I couldn't be that person.
A disgruntled cry sounded from the direction of the lounge room.
"I'll go."
Noah told Me, pushing off from the bench.
I nodded and put my focus back to the muffin's.
If I didn't get the batter into the little paper cups, then I'd never get the tray into the oven and the treat's would never cook!

A quick succession of knock's at the front door made Me double check the two muffin tray's in the oven, then close the oven door.
Peeling the oven mitt's off my hands, I turned around to head to the front door, but found that Codie was already on his way there.
I turned my attention to the hallway that led to the Kid's and Blayze and I's bedroom's, along with the laundry and downstairs bathroom, to find Blayze walking into the open living area.
I asked, tossing the green oven mitt's onto the kitchen bench.
"I just got a call from-"
Blazye started to tell Me, but was cut off by Keegan seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
I could literally count on one hand the number of time's I'd seen Blayze, Keegan or Codie hug each other.
Right in front of my eyes just now, Keegan added one more time to the list as He tightly embraced Blayze.
Where the hell did-?
More than confused, I pulled my gaze off Blayze and Keegan to look towards the open front door.
Hayley was now standing just inside the House and Codie was setting Summer's nappy bag onto the floor before pushing the front door closed so that neither Luka, or the Dog's could escape into the yard.
"I didn't know you guys were coming over!"
I stated, walking quickly towards Hayley and her beautiful Baby Daughter.
"Well, as you know, Keegan wasn't very happy that his work wouldn't let him come home when Blayze got hurt."
Hayley explained, adjusting Summer in her arms.
"Can I have a cuddle?"
I asked, literally bouncing on the ball's of my feet.
Hayley smiled before stepping closer to Me.
"Of course you can."
Biting back a squeal of excitement, I carefully scooped the precious Baby Girl out of Hayley's arm's.
"She's so tiny!"
I whispered, gently cuddling Keegan and Hayley's Baby to my body.
"No She's not."
Hayley dramatically rolled her eyes.
"Umm yeah She is!"
I told her.
"But She's absolutely gorgeous!"
I grinned.
"She's not tiny!"
Hayley threw up her hands.
"She gives Me a dead arm practically daily!"
Noah swooped in, seemingly out of nowhere and thrust a baby wearing a black and blue short sleeved and legless body suit at Hayley.
"Then take Brodie and see how long it takes for your arm to go dead!"
She smirked.
Hayley scrambled to embrace my Son, even though I knew full well that Noah wouldn't let go of him before Hayley had hold of him.
"Hey Brodie..."
Hayley crooned, smiling down at the Baby as She cuddled him.
"Still wanna argue that Summer's not gorgeously tiny?"
I teased.
"Brodie and Dale are older!"
Hayley protested.
I rolled my eyes.
"They're two week's older, Hails. And they were born premmy."
Hayley too rolled her eyes.
"Are you two seriously arguing about who's kid's fatter?"
We both turned to find Blayze and Keegan making their way over.
I frowned.
"Nobody said anything about fatter!"
Hayley agreed.
"Who wants a fat Child?"
Smiling, I shook my head.

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