Chapter Thirty Three

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I'm beyond sorry for the incredibly long wait for the chapter everyone!!!
I could list the reasons why, but let's be honest, most if not all of you won't even read this note!
So I'll say thank you so much to @Giggles_s , RachelBaker976 and Ashleighmitch18 for oh so kindly asking me where the heck the update was 🤣🤣🤣
Vote and comment please people, because hearing your thoughts truly makes the hours upon hours of brainstorming and actually writing worth it!
You may read now... 🤣🤣🤣

The Out Dining Room of the Main House was full Saturday morning with Grandpa and Grandma, Mum, Izac, Jace, Hazel and Lily, Uncle Lukas, Aunty Bridey, Talon, Taj, Amara and Bindi, Blayze, myself, Luka, Brodie, Dale and Mini Blayze, Codie, Noah and Knox, Heath, Peyton and Tatum.
"Jeez He looks so much like Blayze when we dragged him back here!"
Grandpa declared, giving his greyed out head a shake.
I couldn't help but smile as I leaned into my Grandfather's one armed, sideways hug that still felt as secure as it ever had when I was a child.
I agreed, glancing over at the Teenager in question.
"So what's the go?"
Pa asked, turning his green gaze down to my face.
"Word around here's been pretty quiet, so I'm guessing I've got my answer, but is Blayze talking with the long lost Sister?"
I shook my head.
"He's not spoken to her yet, but we have to take Mini Blayze to her today and apparently Blayze is so far still joining us."
"You takin' Luka and the Twin's?"
Grandpa asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Mum chirped as she passed by us, Brodie cradled in her arms.
"I'm Babysitting!"
She was.
Because ultimately, I didn't know if the trip would be a simple two and a half to three hour round trip, or it would take longer with Blayze and Madison 'talking'.
At this point in time it was anybody's guess of how the reunion would go down.
I felt torn in two directions.
Because I love Blayze, I wanted it to go down smoothly.
I wanted blood to be thicker than water.
But I know Blayze, which means that I know He makes people work for the relationship.
He rode Heath hard for months when He arrived.
And now we faced a case where it turns out Madison never died, She'd just disappeared, leaving the family to believe she was dead.
Could there be a reason strong enough to give Blayze cause to easily forgive?
Grandpa gave me a comforting squeeze, breaking me out of my thoughts and reminding me about where I was.
"He'll let Her in when He's good and ready."
Pa reasoned.
"'Till then we just gotta support Him."
That much was true.
I think everybody who knew Blayze knew He wouldn't let Madison in straight away, no matter what their relation was.
Delighted laughter reached my ear's and I turned to see Luka run into the room, Izac, Jace, Taj, Lily and Bindi chasing him.
The Kid's were running slowly, barely jogging, but Luka was having a blast trying to escape them!
"There's little more that's more satisfying than watching Kid's being Kid's."
Grandpa mused.
I turned towards the long Dining table to find the missing Kid's were sitting at the table.
Hazel and Amara we're taking turns in doing each other's hair and Talon, the almost eleven year old, was chatting with Mini Blayze.
I twisted around to find Grandma standing in the Out Dining Room doorway; gesturing me over.
I turned to tell Grandpa that I was going to have to go, but he was already removing his arm from around my shoulders and dropping a kiss onto the top of my head.
I smiled, taking a step away.
Grandpa know's the routine.
I turned on my heel and followed Grandma through to the Kitchen to give her a hand to bring the breakfast out.

"Can we ride the Horses again?"
Mini Blayze asked, loitering near the garden gate of the Main House.
I almost smiled.
"You're trying to stall."
Blayze stated, folding his arms across his light blue Wrangler t-shirt covered chest.
Mini Blayze opened his mouth as though He might try and protest, but soon closed it again, pressing his lips firmly together.
Our plan had been to drive into town, have a light meal with Mini Blayze, then meet up with Madison.
In that regard I'd kind of thought Blayze was the one trying to stall.
I looked from Blayze and Mini Blayze, to the towering form of Blayze's Ute, then out towards the paddocks where the Horses hung around and finally back to Blayze.
He immediately met my gaze and I fought hard against my budding blush.
Of course He was well aware I'd throw my two cents worth in.
I watched Blayze's wide shoulders rise and fall as He sighed, then rolled his blue-green eyes.
Now I smiled.
Blayze turned his attention to Mini Blayze.
"If we saddle up, then we're meeting your Mum as soon as we get to town..."
He warned the Teenager.
A grin lit up Mini Blayze's face, then He seemed to register the other half of Blayze's sentence and his expression faltered slightly.
"Fine by Me!"
He declared, attempting to recover.
It was now My Blayze's turn to look uncomfortable.
I guess my theory had been true.

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