Hey Everyome 👋👋👋

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So, I've been talking with my Bestie... who usually gets to read my Chapter's before you guys do 😂😂😂
Recently I posed the idea to you all about a Book with Chapter's from varying moments in Blayze, Bailey's and the Kids' lives being made...
Well, I still intend to do that, though not yet because Cowgirl Up Three isn't even finished yet 😂😂
But we all know that we are rescuing the end of Cowgirl Up Three...
And just in the last couple of days I started to think that maybe I want to do a Cowgirl Up FOUR!!!!

Ashleighmitch18 said I should put it to you beautiful people to decide!
So let me know what you think, please!
I don't want to put in the long hour's and mountains of effort if there's little or no interest 😊🤗💚💙💜

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