Chapter Sixty Six

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"Airlie Beach was definitely a dream!"
I exclaimed, wrapping my arm's around my rib's and hunching my shoulder's against the biting wind as Blayze and I stepped out of the plane.
The blue sky's and balmy temperature's of the Whitsunday's already seemed like a distant memory.
I might've grown up in the Outback, but after spending a week in the far North, the S.A temperature's were a shock to the system!
We'd checked the weather forecast yesterday and I'd brought a hoody to wear home.
Blayze had declared he would be fine.
"Twenty degree's, my arse!"
He grumped, rubbing his hand's up and down his forearm's.
"I did try and convince ya to buy a jumper!"
I sang, grabbing the hand rail so I could scale down the step's on my seemingly jelly filled leg's.
"You suggested it, but ya sure as hell didn't try and convince me, because we both know that when you do that, it work's."
Blayze retorted, his word's nearly drowned out by the clattering of our feet on the metal step's and the icy wind blowing in my ear's.
"Daddy! Mummy!"
A skip in my stride, I hopped off the last step and scanned the area for my favourite little voice.
Three people approached us, one of them much smaller and trying to run ahead.
Luka seemed to be practically running on the spot, his arm's flailing around like blades of a windmill as he tried to get closer.
"They broke our Kid after only a week?"
Blayze asked, his frown audible in his voice.
My thought's exactly...
I picked up a run, more than eager to see my Baby Boy.
Luka propelled his arm's faster!
As the distance between us shrunk, I realised that Codie was holding onto some form of a line.
"You're kidding me?!"
Blayze shouted from behind me, the disbelief clear in his voice.
Luka cried, looking somewhat like he was trying to swim freestyle.
"His fault!"
Jax declared, jerking a thumb in Codie's direction.
Codie grinned!
"What have they done to you?!"
I exclaimed, dropping into a squat in front of my eldest Baby.
"Toadie lost Me!"
Luka told me, stretching his arm's toward's me as far as he could reach.
Shaking my head, i wrapped my Baby into a hug and unclipped the leash from his back belt loop.
Laughing, Codie wound the leash until it was wrapped around his wrist a few times.
"I missed you Baby Boy!"
I exclaimed, kissing Luka's head and hugging him tight.
He pushed against my shoulder's and leaned back.
Frowning, I let him go.
His gaze turned up to look at something — or rather someone — behind me and a huge grin lit up his devilishly handsome little face.
He shouted, sprinting around me.
"Hey mate!"
Blayze answered.
Trying to squish the stab of jealousy in my heart, I stood.
Usually I love how much Luka adores Blayze.
But after I haven't seen him for an entire week?
Yeah, I'd thought his joy at seeing me would last a little bit longer than three second's.
Jax exclaimed, opening his arm's wide, a cheeky smile on his face.
I greeted, stepping into his embrace and hugging him back.
"Good holiday?"
I stepped away from Jax, to find Blayze with Luka propped on his left hip and shaking hand's with Codie.
"Fucking incredible."
Blayze informed him.
"If the Whitsunday's isn't already on your Bucket List, then put it there, 'coz it's a must do!"
"So the photo of you two decked out in Sky Diving gear was a prank, right?"
Jax asked, stuffing his hand's into his zip up hoody's pocket's.
At the mention of the Sky Diving, my heart skipped a beat!
But, I couldn't contain my grin.
I denied, shaking my head.
"We legit jumped out of a plane!"
Codie laughed!
I still could barely believe that Blayze had talked me into it.
While I certainly don't title myself a scardy cat, I'm definitely no adrenaline junkie.
But, yesterday afternoon Blayze and I put on all the required equipment, climbed into a plane that took us some forty thousand feet into the air, overlooking the pristine Whitsunday's and we jumped!
To say it was 'exhilarating' would be a big, fat understatement.
I'd probably never do it again in my life, but I sure was proud to say I'd done it.
"It's pretty wicked, ain't it!"
Codie stated, grinning.
"You've been skydiving?"
I asked, raising a questioning brow.
Smiling, Blayze shook his head.
Codie's grin widened!
"I was fourteen the first time!"
He boasted.
My eyeball's and jaw tried to simultaneously pop out of my head and hit the floor!
I screeched.
"Is that even legal?"
Codie nodded.
"So long as you've got a Parent there."
I yelped, eyes widening.
"Your Mum or Dad jumped with you?!"
He shook his head.
"They don't have to jump, just go up in the plane."
"Did you ever do it again?"
I asked.
I certainly couldn't imagine doing it again, but some people — cough, Codie, cough — sure seem to be the 'as wild as it get's' type!
His grin widened once again.
"I did say first time, didn't I?"
I rolled my eyes.
Smart ass.
Codie tapped a finger on his chin, expression thoughtful.
"I've lost count... but I'd guess it would be at least ten times."
He shrugged.
I sucked in a surprised breath and shook my head.
"You're crazy."
"Let's get outta here."
Blayze declared.
"Less go!"
Luka cheered, pumping his left fist into the air.

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