I Apologise! Please Don't Hate Me!!

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Hello beautiful people!
I know you're more than likely extremely frustrated there hasn't been an update in aaaaagggggeeeeessss!
And probably even more so that no, this isn't a chapter update but is actually an apology notice from yours truly!

The fact of the matter is, I am human and sometimes life takes priority over chapters. Yes, my thoughts have been with Cowgirl Up Three, but we suffered a great loss in my family only two weeks ago, losing my Grandfather.
We've since had his funeral and for the last four days my partner and I have been travelling because we've come an entire 2000 kilometres so far and tomorrow we start the journey home which will be another 2000 (for those of you who go by miles I think it amounts to some 2,600 miles round trip) because we came to see LUKE BRYAN on his first time in Australia!!
My god I loved every second of his show last night!

I hope you'll all bare with me and be excited when yes I do eventually manage to get the update done.
There has been even more dramas going on in my life but I'm not going to spill all, I just wanted to let you all know a couple of the reasons why the update seems to have been forgotten!

Chapter Twelve is in the making, but within the last week I just quite literally haven't had the time or mental energy to type so it's taking a while!

Lots of love and I hope you don't hate me and haven't given up, I'll get the next chapter done when I can, but I certainly won't rush it because I always strive to put my best work forward, particularly for this story.

Much love, PalominoDreamtime 💚💜

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