Chapter Thirty Eight

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I'm so, so, SO sorry that it took Me so long to get the chapter up!
Hope you love it 😃😃😃
Let me know your thoughts 😍😍😍


People knew Me as the guy who managed to stay calm in a crisis.
But as I sped out of the Harley Crest farm gates so fast that the Ute's rear end slid out across the red dirt road, I was emotionally anything but calm.
In my driving I was calm.
Instead of trying to over correct my vehicle, I took my boot off the accelerator, adjusted my steering wheel, downshifted my gears and planted my foot again.
The tyres struggled for traction and churned against the well worn road, spinning as the car fought to surge forward with speed from a stand still.
The video that I'd seen on my phone, replayed over and over again in my head.
The worst part wasn't even the fact that on my phone screen I'd witnessed someone kiss my Girl.
Yeah, for that part Keon had asked for his own funeral.
Worse than that was how the video had shown Bailey's initial attempt at breaking free from the hold He'd had on her arm.
It had shown her yell something at him.
Then it showed her slam her knee into his crotch when his mouth collided with her's.
I was ready to throw my phone then and there, then jump in my car and go to finish what I'd started on Keon two days ago.
I'd felt a surge of pride in my Fiancé when the video continued playing to show her expression of complete fury and then her right fist fly to slam into Keon's face.
But my world fell apart when Keon's fist had slammed into her face, sending her head snapping backwards.
I got to watch her hold her face and fall to her knee's, writhing in pain before whoever had been recording finally decided to stop.
While I was yanking on my boots, Heath and Codie were making phone calls.
My mind could only focus on two things.
One: Getting to Bailey's side.
Two: Killing Keon.
In the last decade, the guy had clearly turned into something I'd never thought He could possibly be.
A whole new surge of red hot fury blazed through every fibre of my body.
Clenching my hands on the steering wheel, I ground my teeth together and glared at the seemingly endless stretch of red dirt road that lay ahead of Me.
At the speed I was doing, I'd make it to town in around thirty to thirty five minutes, but that wasn't fast enough for my liking and I knew full well that Bailey probably felt the same way.
I just hoped She knew that I was on my way.


"I can't get Peyton or Bailey!"
Heath informed Me, his voice strained.
I pulled my phone away from my own ear, Noah's voicemail kicking in once again.
Why the fuck wouldn't any of the Girl's be answering their phone after what we'd just witnessed?!
Surely they knew that we needed answers!
"I can't get Noah either."
I informed Blayze's Brother, pushing myself to my feet.
I started to pace the lounge room floor, lifting my hands to run them into my hair.
Blayze was long gone.
As much as Heath and I had both wanted to go with him, some small part of my brain had reminded Me that we couldn't.
Blayze was the one with the love of his life in trouble.
We currently had five sleeping Babies depending on us keeping a watch over them.
Heath and I had no choice but to stay put.
The Dog's scrambled to their feet and shot towards the front door.
Frowning, I turned to look at the door, wondering who, or what, would he approaching.
Bandit and Zera let loose with a volley of barks.
"Shut it, you two!"
I ordered my Dog's, because I did not want any of the Babies to wake up.
How the fuck were Heath and I meant to look after Luka, Knox, Brodie, Dale and Tatum on our own?!
We're two guys and we both only have two arms each!
Bandit began to whine, pacing backwards and forwards in front of the large front window.
Azlan, Zeus, Zuke and Zera just stared towards the front door.
"Someone, or something is out there."
Heath stated, twisting around to look at the door too.
No shit.
I wanted to snap, but bit my tongue.
Knowing where Blayze keeps his gun's that aren't in the Ute or the Shed, I booked it into the hallway and the laundry.
My fists and my feet are pretty capable when I need them, but out in the Country one can't always be certain He won't need a Rifle.
Loading the 22 with a bullet, I rushed back down the hallway and across the room to the front door, glad I couldn't yet hear any Babies crying.
I ordered the Dog's back and for some reason every single one of them obeyed, scampering backwards a couple of steps.
With my path clear, I held the gun in my left hand and wrenched the door open with my right.
The front porch light was now on, having automatically turned on when it sensed movement coming towards the house and Kylie Harley was running up the porch steps.
Relief flooding my veins, I let the gun down by my side and stepped backwards into the house to give Bailey's Mum room to enter.
She looked a right mess, her hair windswept and crazy, her eyes filled with tear's and an expression of panic on her face and her entire body trembling.
Heath shot to his feet from where He'd been sitting on the couch.
"W-was th-that B-Blayze wh-who l-left?"
Kylie spluttered, trying her hardest to talk past her quivering lips.
I agreed, setting the gun onto the dining table.
"Do you know what happened?"
Heath asked Bailey's Mum, slowly edging forward.
My gut twisted uncomfortably.
I so did not want to be the person to tell Kylie about what had happened to her eldest Daughter tonight.
Kylie put her head into her hands and sobbed.
Guess we had our answer.
Heath shot Me a glance and closed the distance to Kylie, carefully draping an arm around her shoulders.
Thank God He was going to try comforting her, because I sure as hell didn't know how to.
"I t-told M-Mum to r-ring L-Lukas!"
Kylie hiccuped, lifting her head and wiping futilely at her eyes with the back's of her hands.
I looked towards the door, expecting Bailey's Uncle to make an appearance at any moment and realised I hadn't shut the door and neither did Kylie.
The Dog's were out!
The shout came from out the front and we all turned to watch the Dog's scamper up the porch steps and into the house.
Lukas soon followed after them, looking around wildly.
"Did the Girl's take Blayze's car?!"
Bailey's Uncle demanded, looking around the inside of the house.
"Where's Blayze?!"
He shouted, spinning to face us all.
Kylie sobbed.
"Gone to town."
I informed Him.
It seemed to take a while for my words to register.
Finally Lukas' green eyes zoned in on Me and widened.
"You let him go deal with this alone?!"
He asked, his voice portraying his shock just as much as his face did.
I was tempted to punch him for insinuating I didn't give a fuck shot my best friend, but forced myself to clench my hands into fists and keep my feet rooted to the floor.
"We've got five Babies here."
Heath explained, his arm still wrapped around Kylie's shoulders.
"We couldn't leave and like anybody could've stopped Blayze!"
By the end He too was shouting, probably just as pissed off about Lukas' assumptions as I was.
"Y-you guys go."
Kylie told us, looking around to include all three of us.
I wanted nothing more than to jump in my car and book it to town.
But Noah would kill Me if I left Knox, even if He was currently sound asleep.
"M-Mum will be here sh-shortly."
Kylie explained.
"We will watch the Babies."
Kylie and Grace Harley were more than capable to handle a group of Babies.
They were a fucking shit load more capable than I was!
I'd be much more useful chasing Blayze to town and being his back up, even though He would be there wreaking havoc well before I had any hopes of arriving.
I was fast in a car, but when disaster struck, Blayze had already proven more than once the kinds of records He could smash.
"Let's go!"
Lukas urged, jingling his car keys.
I headed straight out the still wide open door, hearing more footsteps behind Me and knowing Heath and Lukas we're following.

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