Chapter Sixty

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Thank you so much RachelBaker976 , Giggles_s And May_LH for your comments on Chapter Fifty Nine 😍💚💙💜 I LOVE hearing from my readers! It truly does help to keep me motivated!


Setting my phone's alarm had been pointless.
I'd woken up all on my own at a little after 5:30AM.
I seem to revert back to my old body clock on the odd day's I don't sleep alongside Bailey.
Standing on the stone porch of the second good place that I'd thought of as Home, gently steaming coffee mug in hand, while the sunrise slowly began to brighten and warm the land, I took a minute to let my walls down.
Was I nervous about today?
Of course I was!
There couldn't seriously be a bloke in the history of the world who wasn't nervous when his Wedding was looming in front of him.
Especially in this day and age.
These days there was so much pressure about how much cash had been spent and how epic the Groom's Suit and the Bride's dress were.
And let's not forget what the Cake looked like!
Family was a prick of an issue.
Thankfully Bailey didn't have to worry about it.
Her Family had their shit together and had done for a long time.
They loved her for for what she was and everything that she could be.
My Family was a lot more of a problem.
I'd of course invited Grandpa and Grandma Rowan.
But when I'd told Mum and Madison not to come, I'd received a crying phone call from Grandma.
They wanted me to have my Mother and long lost Sister at the Wedding.
I'd been positive they wouldn't come, because I'd refused to re-invite my so called Mother and Sister.
But last night I'd had a call from Grandpa - they'd arrived at the Riverston Hotel and would see me Today.
Aunt Sadie had been invited from the get go and had said of course she would be here and I'd not heard anything different since I'd told Mum and Madison they couldn't come anymore.
Jax hadn't told me his Mum wasn't coming, so I assumed she still was.
I'd hedged on inviting Uncle Tony and Aunt Alice.
While I had good memories of weekends and School Holidays with them when I was a Kid, Heath's relationship with them had turned upside down when he'd learnt Tony wasn't his Dad and my Father was.
He'd told me I should invite them.
They'd R.S.V.P'd as coming.
Ashton and Kellie, Benjie and Cassie, Kade and his new Girlfriend Amy, Ethan, Peyton and Nick were already in Town.
I'd sure as hell not sent my Father an invite.
He could hear about it from his Brother, if they were even talking since the new's of Heath came out.
Breathing in deeply, I focused on the land around me, instead of my fucked up Family.
The only Family I had to focus on now, was Bailey and our Boy's.
I'd moved into this Cottage at eighteen year's old.
It was hard to believe that an entire decade had passed since Isaiah and Grace had trusted me to live in my own space.
I was for damn sure lucky that just over twelve years ago, Isaiah had made me the offer to meet them at the petrol station and grab a ride to a roof over my head and three square meals a day, plus snacks.
And that somehow, I'd been smart enough to accept.
Yeah, I'd still raised my fair share of hell in the years that followed.
But the Harley Family had proven to the doubtful and broken hearted Teenaged and young adult me, that they were a Family who didn't give up on the people they carec about.
And now...
Now Isaiah, Grace, Kylie and Lukas were trusting me to love and provide for their cherished Granddaughter, Daughter and Niece, from here on out.

The Cottage door opened behind me.
I looked over my shoulder bexaise there was two options about who it could he, to find Heath stepping out of the little House, Tatum tucked securely in his arm, wrapped in a pink blanket.
He was certainly handling this whole Single Dad thing better than I ever would!
My Little Brother greeted me, managing to close the door behind him even while holding a Baby and a coffee mug.
"Ya learn to multitask no matter how awkward it looks, don't ya!"
I remarked.
Heath muttered, coming forward to join me at the edge of the porch.
"Tatum wake ya?"
I guessed.
He shot me a sideways glance.
"Yeah, but when they're your own... ya don't even mind, do ya."
I mused, staring out at the slowly climbing Sun.
"As weird as it is... you're right."
Heath agreed.
We both fell silent while we took in the calm of the late May morning.
It was hard to believe that two entire years ago, I'd finally manned the fuck up and asked Bailey to be official with me.
I still didn't understand why it all had to be official.
Wasn't it obvious when we were hanging out at any spare moment we could grab?
When I asked her to Marry me, regardless of the fact that I was damn near shitting my pants that she might say no?
When we set the date to be Married?
But her glittering eyes, flushed cheeks and ear to ear grin on that night when we's been away at the Bed And Breakfast in Port Jackson had been worth every uncomfortably girlie word.
"So... you're gettin' Married."
Heath stated.
My heart gave the same slightly out of beat thump that it always seemed to when somebody said those words to me, or I said them to myself.
"I am."
I agreed, feeling my smile grow.
"Does it feel good, or fucken scary?"
Heath asked, twisting so that he more or less faced me.
"Marrying Her doesn't scare me in the slightest."
I denied.
"The Ceremony?"
I tried hard not to shudder.
"I'm fucken shittin' my pants."
I muttered.
Heath laughed!
So much for my Brother's support...
"If Marrying Her doesn't scare you at all, then why does the Wedding itself worry ya?"
Heath asked.
"What if I forget my lines?"
I voiced.
"Or drop the ring when I'm supposed to put it on her finger? Step on her toes when we have to dance in front of everyone?!"
There was a lot of fucking pressure on me to be perfect today!
And I generally don't succeed at perfect.
I can fuck up with the Horses that I work with and they'll willingly let me try again.
My Dog's couldn't care less when I make a mistake.
Heath's blue eyes sparkled with obvious amusement as he grinned at me!
"Well ya know we'll all just laugh if ya do any of those!"
Gee thanks Little Bro!
"And you know Bailey won't hold any of them against ya."
Heath stated, voice and expression uncharacteristically completely serious.
He was probably right.
I didn't give a fuck about what the rest of the Town thought.
Bailey was my only concern.
And she would no doubt just giggle.
Heath slipped his coffee mug into the hand of his arm that was supporting Tatum and reached out with his now free left hand to clap my back.
"You got this."
He encouraged me.
"We're all here with ya."
He promised.
"And you know that I've never seen you happier than since you and Bails have been together."
That was true.
In the dark night sky, she was the moon lighting my way.
In a raging storm, she was my verandah roof.
On a cold winter's night, she was my warm blanket.
"I can't wait to call her my Wife."
I whispered.
"That's only..."
Heath checked his watch.
"In about six hour's and forty five minutes. Well... it's that long 'till the Ceremony is meant to start, anyway."
He shrugged.
Under 7 hours...
That felt so far away.
Yet at the same time, it felt like we wouldn't have enough time to get organised.
There were Animal's to feed, Horses to saddle up and then we had to shower and get dressed up to the point that we'd practically look like Armani models.
Jax donated an Armani suit to each of us.

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