Chapter Twenty Three

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Thank you SO MUCH to my bestie, Smash and Jessie160802 and RachelBaker976 for answering the questions I put at the end of Chapter Twenty Two and for all the votes and the other comments!
You guys are amazing 😍💚💙🤗

I pulled up at home to find Codie's 4x4 parked near the house and a few lights on in the home, shining through the large windows that had the curtains open, because during the day I liked to let as much natural light into the house as possible.
I turned the Ute off and slumped in the driver's seat, exhausted.
Sunset was heavy in the sky all around Me.
My Kid's would be needing their dinner and bath's.
But was I up to walking into that house?
I have to be.
I'm a Fiancé and more importantly I'm a Mother.
That takes priority over everything else.
With a sigh, I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my phone and wallet out of the centre console.
Next I slipped the key from the ignition and pushed the driver's side door open.
My boot soles crunched on dry leaf and sticks litter as I twisted around to face the vehicle and shut the door.
Time to face the music.
Sucking in a deep breath, I turned on my heel and headed for the porch steps and the front door.
The drone of the television reached my ears as I approached the house, the colours on the TV screen flickering through the lounge room window.
A loud sniffing and a whine at the front door informed Me that Zeus was waiting for Me.
I stopped in front of the closed door and took a moment to try to collect myself.
Take things one step at a time Bailey.
I coached myself.
Trying to steel my spine, I grabbed the door handle and twisted it, pushing the door open.
Zeus and Codie's female Dog Zera danced in front of Me.
"Hello, hello,"
I greeted them, giving each Dog a pat.
Zera danced out of the way, wagging her tail as Luka rushed towards Me.
"Hi Baby."
I bent down to scoop my eldest Son off the floorboards, but looked towards the kitchen to find Mum in there, looking busy.
I answered her, lifting Luka and propping him on my hip.
I gave my Son's cheek a kiss and headed for the lounge room.
The surprisingly empty lounge room.
There was no Blayze, Uncle Lukas or Codie in sight!
Noah sat on the lounge, Dale propped in her arm and Knox and Brodie laying on the cushion next to her.
"Where's Blayze?"
I asked, twisting around to look towards the kitchen, so Mum knew I  was addressing her as well.
"And Uncle Lukas and Codie?"
Uncle Lukas had still been here when I'd taken Mini Blayze to town, along with Senior Constable Davis, but I'd definitely expected the Policeman to be well gone by now.
"My guess would be they're at the machinery shed."
Mum explained, approaching the back of the lounge.
Unfortunately, that's what the guys on this property do when shit hits the fan.
Or at least a Grandpa, Uncle Lukas and Blayze do.
If they can't shoot or punch the problem, they set about 'fixing' stuff in the machinery shed.
"When we got back here Blayze handed Codie a beer, had an unopened six pack in his hand and asked Codie if he wanted to join them."
Noah explained, turning her gaze up from watching her Son and one of mine, to make sure they didn't stray towards the edge of the cushions in their squirming.
Thankfully they were a little bit too young to be rolling over or anything yet.
But that would come soon enough, especially if Brodie and/or Dale took after Luka.
"You know how it works Baby."
Mum stated, placing her hands on the back of the lounge.
I did.
But that didn't mean I wasn't currently bothered by it.
I hugged Luka tighter and dropped a kiss onto his head.
"I need to talk to Blayze."
I muttered, my heart squeezing almost painfully.
Noah smiled sympathetically.
Mum looked towards the front door.
"Well you could pop over to the shed..."
If they've gone out there, then they want space.
Or at least Blayze does.
But Uncle Lukas we're allowed along because they'd sink some beer's and not talk about the issue at hand.
They'd talk machinery and pretend like life wasn't crazy right now.
I sighed.
Guess I wouldn't be talking to Blayze any time soon.
But was that a good thing or a bad?
We need to talk.
Or more or less I need some answer's out of him.
But it might just make his day a hell of a lot worse.
If he's slept with Emma, since we've been together...
Mentally I tried to slam the door at l wet temporarily shut on that issue.
"Guess I should be organising Luka some Dinner and the Twin's their bottles..."
I mused.
"I've already got Apricot Chicken on, its nearly done."
Mum said with a smile.
She apologised, looking a little guilty.
"I figured you've got enough going on and we weren't too sure how long you'd be..."
A night off cooking?
I certainly wasn't about to complain.
"Thanks Mum."
I nodded.
"Apricot Chicken sounds perfect."
"I agree!"
Noah chirped.
"My stomach is already growling just from the amazing smell's in the air!"
And I already knew Luka would happily eat some.
He's not a fussy eater, but he's already had Apricot Chicken before and loved it.
"Knox is about due for a bottle."
Noah explained, lifting her gaze to look up at Me.
"What about Brodie and Dale?"
I turned to get a look up at the clock on the wall.
"They'd nearly be due."
I agreed, turning my gaze back to Noah and the Babies.
"But I'd like to get them into a bath first."
Noah nodded.
"Sounds like a good idea."
"Annnnd one not so delicious smell."
Mum declared.
Noah's expression turned into a wince.
Carefully, I sniffed.
One of the Kid's had soiled their nappy.

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