Chapter Twenty Five

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Absolutely blown away!!! 😱😳😱😳😱😳😃😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤗

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Absolutely blown away!!! 😱😳😱😳😱😳😃😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤗


I jerked awake, noises filtering through my sleep fog.
The hallway light was on, letting light through our bedroom doorway.
My heart rate gradually slowed.
Somebody who wasn't meant to be here wouldn't be turning the lights on.
And even more to the point, I hadn't heard Zeus tipping anybody's body apart.
Blayze's shadow moved in the doorway just before the hallway light switched off.
I rolled over and reached onto my bedside table to switch my lamp on, blinking my eyes against the sudden light interrupting the darkness I'd previously been in.
Blayze whispered, stepping into our room.
"Didn't mean to wake ya."
I pushed myself up onto my elbows, then into a sitting position.
"You're back."
I announced, before I could register that I was one hundred percent stating the obvious.
Blayze stepped out of His boots, then pulled his black Wrangler hoody over His head.
Blayze had put a jumper on?
Temperature's must have plummeted tonight outside!
He doesn't normally put a jumper on until at least April, if not May.
He agreed, sounding exhausted.
He had every reason to be beyond tired, having been out late with His Mum last night, then Drenching all day, plus going back to town afterward to check on His Mum.
"How's your Mum doing?"
I'd more than once fought the urge to text Loralai today, wanting to check in on Her, but not wanting to overstep my mark.
Blayze threw his jumper into the dirty clothes bin in the corner of our room, then pulled his t-shirt over His head.
"She's absolutely floored."
He told Me, tossing His light blue R.M Williams t-shirt to join His jumper in the dirty clothes basket.
I could most certainly imagine She would be.
"She admitted to Me that She's barely stopped crying."
Blayze explained, unbuckling His belt.
I swallowed hard, my attention leaving our conversation because I realised He was affectingly stripping in front of Me!
"And Her face definitely showed it."
He admitted, unbuttoning his dark stone wash jeans and sliding them down His thighs.
My tired eyes roamed from His toned chest and defined stomach, to His firm thighs that materialised from underneath a pair of light blue boxer briefs.
He slipped one leg, then the other from His jeans and slid His belt free from the pants before tossing the denim to join the rest of His clothes in the dirty clothes basket.
Then He lifted one foot to slide His sock off, then repeated the process for the other foot.
"But tonight She told Me She'd like to meet up with Maddie."
Blayze explained, setting His belt onto the top of the chest of drawers, then sliding open the drawer that was home to our stash of pyjamas.
I watched His arm and back muscles flex gently as He rummaged through the fabrics, no doubt having to dodge through most of my pyjamas because I was pretty sure I owned more pairs than Him.
That and the fact that His pyjamas consist of pants and mine generally have at least pants and a top, or pants, top and over shirt, or shorts and top.
Eventually He slipped a pair of plaid bottoms out of the drawer, revealing them to be green and black.
"You don't have an opinion on that?"
He asked, staring at Me like He couldn't understand how that was even a possibility.
I realised I'd been too busy eyeing His body and therefore not properly paying attention to the words coming out of His mouth.
"Umm... what?"
I asked, forcing my focus onto His face.
He slipped one leg and then the other into His pyjama pants, then settled the waistband around His hips.
"Maybe you should just go back to sleep."
He suggested.
He's stripped in front of Me and thinks I'm going to be able to sleep?!
I could nearly literally feel my ovaries begging for Him to pay is attention!
He's trying to hold a conversation with you Bailey!
"I-I'm good!"
I waved a dismissive hand.
He quite obviously fought a smile as He made His way towards the bed.

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