Chapter Thirty

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Thank you so much to @BaileySaville4 , @May_LH , JuliaVanderZiel , @juandresmith18 , @Sweetpea4908 , @quetzalbird1 , Jessie160802 , Kenmcham , RachelBaker976 , Mikayala7700 and ReneSolomon for your votes on Chapter Twenty Nine! It was beyond exciting watching the votes and comments come in! 😍😍😍

And another gorgeous pic by DeeDotson 😍

The Kangaroo's were in view barely ten K's out of the heart of the Riverston township.
I'd heard reports of their migration closer to the town, due to the lack of food and water about because of the drought, but I was yet to see it with my own eyes until now.
"The Roo's are close."
I commented, staring out the window at the marsupials, some of which were dangerously close to the roadside in some spots.
Big Buck's stared, like they weren't afraid to challenge any car.
Silence from Blayze's side of the car informed me that he wasn't over our last set of words.
Wedding planning was doing my head in!
"Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes my baby... feel a little frisky!"
Luke Bryan's Rain Is A Good Thing player through the speakers and as I looked out at the barren land that surrounded us, I found myself praying, not for the first time, that the skies would open up and it would rain.
That way some of the native animals might go back to their homes instead of-
Before I could shout, a dark figure bounded into my peripheral vision and as I blinked, I caught the shake of a large Kangaroo in front of us.
The car's engine roared as Blayze messed with the gears and I could do nothing but watch as the sickening crunch sounded and the big red body was thrown onto the bonnet of the F550!
"Fucken Skippy!"
Blayze cursed, stomping on the brake as the Kangaroo rolled over the side of the bonnet.
The tyres fought for traction, red dust flying up into the air around us, because the ground was so dry.
Eyes wide, I turned towards Blayze's window, straining to get a view of the Kangaroo.
Did he get up and bounce off?
He seemed to hit the bull bar pretty damn hard...
Wasn't there a crunching sound?
Blayze shifted the gear stick into neutral, then unbuckled his seat belt, moving straight to open his door.
"Fucken just what I need..."
He grumbled, swinging himself down from the driver's seat.
I scrambled to unbuckle my own seat belt and scurry out of the car after him.
"Did the Roo take off?"
I asked, moving quickly towards the front of the car where Blayze was standing with his hands on his hips, glaring at the front end of the vehicle.
Oh no...
My heart plummeted to somewhere like my stomach and I rushed to get to the front of the car, attempting to brace myself for what I would find.
We sure as hell don't need the hassle of having to write off a second bloody car already!
The bull bar seemed to be fairly well in tact, possibly just sporting a couple of fresh dents which really wasn't surprising.
The spotlights and the light-
I winced when I saw the snapped in half light bar that usually sat proud as a King on top of the bull bar.
The glass was shattered and the light was definitely now rubbish bin material.
But at least the car, the bull bar and the spotlights were all still in tact.
"It could've been worse..."
I whispered, turning to face Blayze who was still glaring at the front end of his car.
"Shouldn't of fucken happened!"
He snapped, letting his hands slide off his hips and storming towards the back of the vehicle.
I stared after him, my eyes widening and my jaw going slack.
"Are you seriously trying to make this out to be my fault?!"
I demanded.
He couldn't possibly be?!
I didn't ask the Kangaroo to jump in front of us!
Normally Blayze know's how to bounce...
Something in the tray closed with a clang and then Blayze wrenched the back seat door open and reached for something inside the back seat.
"I did not say it's your fault."
I watched Blayze step back from the car and it took me a moment to realise He was holding one of his gun's.
He slammed the back door closed and turned to face me.
"I should've been concentrating."
He declared.
He's got his gun out!
That means...
I hurried over to the driver's side of the car.
"Is the Kangaroo bad?"
Blayze set some small box that looked like it held tools onto the ground, then he slipped a bullet into the chamber on the gun.
"He's twitchin', but can't seem to get up."
He informed me and turned on his heel to aim for the red clump maybe twelve feet away from us, lying in the middle of the red dirt road.
I might be a country girl, born and raised on the land, but seeing the Kangaroo squirming about on the road, unable to get to his feet even had my stomach churning.
I turned my attention to the yellow container on the floor while Blayze approached the poor animal.
"What's with the yellow box?"
I asked.
"To take the fucked light bar down!"
Blayze called over his shoulder, walking towards the Kangaroo with the gun held at his side.
Some nuts and bolts I can handle.
Uncle Lukas and Blayze taught me how.
Trying to avoid looking at the no doubt terrified and in pain Kangaroo, I bent to pick the box of tools up off the floor and I scurried back to the front of the car to at the very least try and get some of the task done while Blayze dealt with the Skippy's execution.

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