Chapter Eighteen

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Thank you to JuliaVanderZiel
, @baileyjs296, @Sjone271, pallasbeauty , RachelBaker976 , @BrandyCarraway , Jessie160802 and ReneSolomon
for your vote on chapter seventeen 🤗 hugely appreciated, along with the comments some of you left 😊😀😍🤗

Bailey 💚

I stood inside the kitchen Saturday late afternoon, roughly chopping up ingredients for a platter, swaying my hips to the tunes of Dustin Lynch as his tracks played through the TV and the surround sound system in our lounge room.
Joel, Kristen and Logan, Codie, Noah and Knox and Keegan, Hayley and Summer were set to arrive any time now.
Blayze and Heath were out on the verandah, getting the barbecue ready and Peyton stood on the other side of the bench I was working at, baby Tatum propped in her arm.
A thump and then Luka's cries made Me drop my knife, abandoning the Cucumber and turn towards the lounge room area.
Brodie and Dale were laying peacefully in their bassinets.
Luka was on the floor and Tameron was huddled up near the back of the armchair, the iPad Jaxon got him for Christmas in his hands.
"What happened?"
I tried not to demand an answer out of Tameron as I swooped into the lounge room, going to Luka's aid.
The six and a half year old denied, turning his gaze to his iPad screen.
Luka was still laid out on the floor, now sniffling.
I bent over and scooped my Baby up, cuddling him into my chest and placing a kiss on his forehead.
"You okay Baby?"
I asked, supporting him with one hand and rubbing his back with the other.
"Him's not a Baby!"
I looked over to Tameron at his snappy tone.
"Excuse Me?"
I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
Tameron pointed across the room to where Brodie and Dale rested quietly, but awake and watching.
"The Twin's is the Babies!"
I ground my teeth together.
"Luka is fifteen months old. He's a Baby too."
I reminded the eldest of the Kid's.
"No him's not! There's new Babies!"
Tameron retorted.
It wasn't exactly my place to fight with Blayze's Son.
Clearly he was learning this attitude from Rikki, because he wasn't normally such a sassy brat.
I sucked in a deep breath, released it and turned around to take Luka to the kitchen with Me, leaving Tameron to continue playing on his iPad.
Once in there, I could check him over for any injuries.

Luka sniffled, his blue eyes glossy with tears as I set him onto the bench to check him over.
"Let's check the back of your head."
I informed him, easing my hands around to the back of his small head to feel for any bumps or spots of soreness.
Luka told Me, his lower lip trembling.
I froze, with my left hand at the back of his head.
Did he mean where my hand was, was 'owie'?
I couldn't see any marks on his face other than a few tear tracks.
I touched the back of Luka's head a little more firmly and he blinked at Me.
So his head wasn't the 'owie' he was talking about.
Maybe he was referring to the fall.
"Do you normally have issues with Luka and Tameron?"
I lifted my gaze from Luka's gorgeous little face to find Peyton looking a little cautious.
"We never used to."
I denied, shaking my head.
I could only put his grouchiness down to the fact he hasn't been here for his usual stay with us since Brodie and Dale were born.
But I wasn't going to put up with him hurting Luka.
Not for a second.
Luka mimicked my actions, smiling at Me and shaking his own head.
"I don't know if you caught it, but Tameron pushed him when Luka tried to climb up on the chair with him."
Peyton told Me, shooting a glance towards the lounge room.
My heart squeezed inside my chest.
Blayze was going to have to do something about this.
At six and a half, Tameron was a lot bigger than Luka who was now fifteen months old.
I scooped Luka off the bench and propped him on my right hip, winding my right arm around his back to support him.
"Can you listen out for Brodie and Dale for a second please?"
I asked Peyton.
"I just need to let Blayze know what's happened."
Luka asked, a smile lighting his face and his blue eyes brightening.
Peyton nodded.
I offered her a quick smile and exited the kitchen, heading for the front door.

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