Chapter Twenty Four

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Thank you sooooo much for the amazing votes and comments wonderful people!
I'm sorry it's taken so long for the update!
Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy the chapter!
Be sure to vote and comment, letting Me know your thoughts 😀😍🤗💚💙💜

The last forty eight hours had been insane to say the least.
It was safe to say both Blayze and I slept like the dead last night, after suffering through a crazy roller coaster of emotions since the spontaneous arrival of 'Mini Blayze'.
Today had been busy, with preparations for tomorrow's Muster and Sunday's drenching.
Noah and I had juggled the Kid's and giving the whole house a clean, while Blayze and Codie were both out at work.
Next week I planned to spread my idea about fundraising for those who'd suffered losses in the fire, including Codie and Noah, but as for now I had to focus on my Family and the weekends' Sheep activities with the Jackson's.
Since stock numbers were so low, Hayley's Family was joining forces with us and bringing their mob over to drench with us.
Although I was exhausted from my busy day, having cleaned the lounge room, kitchen and bathroom all while also being Mum to the three Boy's, I was strangely and uncharacteristically energised.
It was 8;30 and all three Boy's were soundly sleeping in their bed's.
Noah and I were preparing to sit down and eat our Dinner, when the front door opened.
Blayze and Codie stepped inside, both of them looking exhausted, Zeus trailing in behind them.
It might be Friday night, but Blayze's working week wasn't over.
He had to muster the Sheep with Grandpa, Uncle Lukas, Alex, Jake and Heath tomorrow, then Drench a few hundred head on Sunday.
Codie moved towards the Dining table where Noah was setting our places, no doubt to greet her after a long day being separated.
I turned around from emptying the last of the vegetables onto the dinner plates, at the sound of Blayze's voice.
Blayze looked tired, weariness in his eyes, dust smeared across his dark wash jeans and his boots.
He even had what looked like a cut on his left cheekbone.
His hair was crazy messy from wearing his hat and probably taking it on and off throughout the day.
He no doubt needed a hair cut soon.
Especially before our Wedding.
Though it actually wouldn't surprise Me if Blayze wound up wearing one of his hat's on the Wedding day anyway.
He looked an exhausted, hot mess, but at the end of the day, He was my Cowboy.
"Hey Babe."
I offered Him a smile before turning to the sink to drop the container I'd cooked the vegetables in, ready to wash it after we ate.
"You seem... happy..."
Blayze almost sounded weary.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
I asked, turning around to grab a couple of the dinner plates.
I paused before lifting the plates and glanced over at Blayze.
He was eyeing Me with a raised, questioning eyebrow.
I abandoned the plates and crossed the few feet of space between us.
Stretching onto my tippy toes, I gently grasped either side of his face and pulled him down so my short ass self could get a kiss.
I clearly caught him by surprise, because He almost stumbled a step before regaining his balance and placing his large hands on my waist, almost immediately kissing Me back.

"Did you guys have good day's?"
I asked, glancing between Blayze and Codie as the four of us settled into our seats at the large dining room table.
"Dunno if you'd call it good."
Blayze grumbled, reaching for his beer stubby.
Well that doesn't sound good...
"Long But Okay."
Codie answered, picking up His beer too.
Noah shot him a smile.
"Well at least it's now the weekend!"
"If only."
Blayze muttered.
Noah shot him a quizzical glands.
"That doesn't mean much around here."
I informed Her, picking up my cutlery.
She raised her eyebrows questioningly.
"There's a Sheep Muster tomorrow and the Jackson's will be bringing over their Mob. Sunday is Drenching."
I explained.
Blayze agreed, setting his beer aside and picking up his cutlery.
Noah's eyes widened.
Codie shot an almost apologetic glance towards Noah, before He turned his gaze back to Blayze.
"Do you guys need a hand? Either tomorrow or Sunday?"
He offered.
Noah had told Me more than once today how She was looking forward to some quality time with Codie and Knox over the weekend.
I looked from Noah, to Blayze, trying to telepathically warm him not to accept Codie's offer.
The little Family need to spend some quality time together.
Blayze met my gaze, then glanced at Noah and turned his gaze to Codie.
"Nah Mate."
He shook his head.
"We might be down Keegan, Troy and Shayne, but stock numbers are at the lowest they've ever been, too. We'll be right."
Good Man.
"Are you Mustering and Drenching?"
It took Me a moment to realise Noah's question was directed at Me.
I shot her a small, quick smile.
"But I'll have to help Mum and Grandma with food prep and stuff."
I shrugged.
Plus wrangle Luka, Brodie and Dale.
"Well I could help with Kitchen stuff too."
Noah offered.
"Helping is the least we can do."
She shot a glance towards Codie.
He nodded his agreement.
I shook my head.
"You guys definitely don't have to."
"Well that settles it."
Codie nodded.
"Can't say I can recall Drenching, but I can handle mustering some scatter brained Sheep!"
He grinned!
I tried hard to smother my laughter.
Smiling, Noah shook her head.
Blayze held his hands up, palms forward, as if to hold off an attack.
"I'll be riding Roo, but you can take Row, if ya want."
He offered.
Codie nodded his agreement.
"What time does all this start?"
Noah cocked her head to the side, seeming curious about the answer, too.
"My alarm'll be goin' off at five."
Blayze explained.
I caught Noah's grimace.
"We have to meet at the Main House by six."
Blayze added.
Codie pressed his lips together and nodded.
"Wanna take back your generosity?"
I teased, before popping a forkful of Steak into my mouth.
Codie rolled his eyes.
"I've been gettin' up at four for the last five days."
"Ya can ditch the idea."
Blayze offered.
"Spend your weekend with Noah and Knox."
Noah raised her eyebrows at Blayze.
"As much as I like what you're saying... What about You spending time with Your Girl and Son's?"
Blayze opened his mouth to speak, but I shot Noah a smile.
"We'll have some Family Time one day, but this weekend is Farm Time."
"Yeah, whet She said."
Blayze agreed, his right hand suddenly sliding onto my left thigh underneath the table and giving my leg a light squeeze.
Just such a simple gesture had a tingle dancing at the base of my spine and I found myself biting into my lower lip while turning my gaze to Blayze's face.

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