Chapter Forty Five

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Pic of Codie/Noah's Bandit ^

Thank you so much to @sjone271 , RachelBaker976 and Jessie160802 for your comments last chapter 😍😍😍 thanks to you guys this next chapter is up ON TIME!! 😃👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I was worried about Blayze.
We'd both had trouble sleeping.
Sunday was here and it wasn't long before He and Mini Blayze would jump into the Ute and head into Town.
Or rather, just outside of Town, because that was where I'd been told Madison was living.
Blayze was so tense.
It wouldn't take much for Him to explode.
Even Codie was keeping His mouth shut.
Trying to breathe deeply and calmly, I returned to my task of cutting up some Fruit for Luka.
My Little Man is always hungry!
At least with his healthy appetite, we can put just about anything in front of Him and He will gobble it down.
I set the chopping knife aside and turned to face Blayze as He walked into the Kitchen.
You didn't have to be a mind reader to know it was time.
He closed the space between us in two easy strides and quickly but gently held my face between his large, slightly calloused hands.
My heart automatically began to beat at maybe twice it's normal pace.
Blayze leaned down and his lips covered mine, strong and promising.
Don't worry.
He seemed to be telling Me.
I'll handle it.
I threw my arm's around His neck and held onto Him tight, squeezing my eyes shut.
Yesterday afternoon I might have managed to talk Him into waiting until Today.
Realistically though, He didn't seem all that much calmer.
Hopefully the overnight wait had at least taken some of the spur of the moment edge off.
"Please don't do anything You'll regret."
I begged, gently resting my forehead against His.
He placed another kiss to my lips, then pulled back, effortlessly breaking my embrace.
"I won't."
He replied, His face a stoic mask.
But the storm was easily visible in the depths of his blue-green eyes.
Blayze Riley is a protector.
He'd been my protector for over a decade now.
He'd tried to trust His Mother and Sister and they'd once again gone and proven Him wrong.
I felt sorry for our Daughter, if we ever had one.
If anybody brought so much as tear's to her eyes, let alone a crack to her heart, they'd face a wrath far worse than that of the Devil himself.
"I'll be back."
Blayze informed Me, before turning on his heel to leave the Kitchen.
"Blayze? You ready?"
He prompted the Teenager.
I scuttled out of the Kitchen.
If it was the last time we saw Mini Blayze for a while, I didn't want to say goodbye with just a wave.
The Teenager wasn't expecting Me to throw my arm's around His shoulder's, judging by the startled jolt of his body.
"Thank you for coming to stay."
I told him, giving him a tight squeeze.
"We loved having you."
I stepped back to see Mini Blayze's cheek's tainted by a pink blush.
I called for the Toddler.
Blayze and I's eldest Son abandoned His toy's and ran around the lounge to meet Me.
He requested, raising his arm's to Me.
Unable to help my smile, I bent to scoop the Toddler up and set Him onto my hip.
"Say bye to Blayze?"
I prompted, waving in Blayze's Nephew's direction.
"No bye!"
Luka vigorously shook His head.
Laughter filled the lounge room.
"You gotta say bye Buddy."
Blayze encouraged the small boy, abandoning the front door and walking towards us.
"Blayze has to go home to His Mum."
Luka turned to Me and threw his arm's around my neck, hugging Me tight.
I couldn't contain my laugh.
"I'm your Mummy."
I agreed.
"But I'm not Blayze's Mummy."
"That would be weird."
Mini Blayze stated.
I laughed!
"That would be impossible!"
Sitting on the couch, Codie snickered.
Noah threw a decorative cushion at Him.
Codie threw it back at Her and Luka laughed!
Now they've started something...
"Luka, say bye to Blayze."
Blayze urged.
The Teenager has to get back to his Mother.
And I'm pretty sure my Blayze wants to get this the hell over and done with.
"Bye Base!"
Luka grinned and waved at the Teenager He'd become quite fond of.
Mini Blayze smiled and offered the Toddler a small wave in return.
"See ya next time Luka."
"Ness time?"
Luka asked, tipping his head to the side.
"We will see Blayze again."
I agreed, running my arm that wasn't supporting Luka's back over his unruly raven hair.
I just couldn't necessarily agree when we would.
"Let's go."
Blayze insisted, turning on his heel to head for the door.
"Want me to come?"
Codie offered, half twisting around in his seat.
Blayze pulled the front door open and stepped out onto the porch.
"Thank you for having Me."
Mini Blayze told Me, meeting my gaze with his all too familiar blue-green one as He adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder.
"You're welcome any time."
I assured Him.
He smiled weakly and half turned around to face the couch where Codie and Noah were seated.
"See ya Codie and Noah."
Noah bade, shooting the Teenager a big smile.
Codie dragged his blue gaze off the TV he was rapidly flicking through channels on.
"Catch ya Mate."
He bade.
Mini Blayze turned around and headed for the door which Blayze had left open, clearly expecting Him to hurry up and follow.

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