Chapter Seventy

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'Excited fan's want to know who the Girl is, who Drummer of the Jaxon Rowan Band, Jaeger Anderson, was spotted walking out of small town Fletcher Creek's Hospital with yesterday."
Eyes widening, I stared at the flat screen TV, as the morning New's rolled.
The picture was far from perfect, a pretty clear giveaway that it wasn't Paparazzi who'd taken the photo, but anybody from Riverston would know who the 'mystery girl' was.
About a week after throwing Beer on Keegan and I, Sally came and apologised.
Last week she came back out to the Farm to talk to Mum (and for some reason Me) and declared she was pregnant.
To Jaeger.
Harley Crest seemed to have become the Jaxon Rowan Band Headquarter's.
So much so, that Grandpa had insisted they put a bit of work into the old Shearer's Quarter's and Rocco, Jaeger, Knox and Hawk could stay there when in Town.
'In Town' seemed to be a very regular occurrence since Jax was refusing to leave after we'd discovered Mum was pregnant with Quadruplet's.
"Oh boy..."
Mum whispered.
Rubbing Tatum's little back, I looked over at her.
"Everyone in Riverston know's who Sally is."
Mum explained, shuffling to the edge of the couch cushion's to set her Mug onto the coffee table.
"While people like us would hope our small town could keep their mouth's shut, I wouldn't be surprised if the Boy's are discovered now."
"And that's bad..."
I assumed.
Mum winced.
"Jax say's yes. We'd better get prepared to not leave here without looking presentable."
"So what? Town's People are gonna take photos every time they see one of the guy's?"
I asked.
Mum shook her head.
"We'll have to ask Jax and the guy's."
The news had moved on to some story about Teen's who'd been caught shoplifting in Melbourne.
"It's so weird not having Noah, Codie and Knox here anymore."
I all but whispered.
Mum offered me a sympathetic smile.
"It sure is, Honey."
She agreed.
Codie, Noah and Knox got to move back into their House yesterday.
Last night had been so weird.
We'd still had nine people under the roof, including the unborn Baby and Me, but Codie, Noah and Knox's absence was eerily noticed.
I'd packed Mini Blayze, Enzo and Emersyn's lunch boxes last night, gotten myself out of bed at six AM and dragged the three complainer's out of their bed's by quarter to seven this morning in an effort to manage the 'off to School routine' all on my own.
I was angry with myself for how much I'd apparently relied on Noah's help.
All I'd been doing last night and this morning, was run around like a Chook who'd had her head chopped off.
Zuke lifted his head from his paw's to stare toward's the front window's.
Knock, knock, knock.
Luka stopped playing with his Toy's on the Lounge Room floor and Brodie and Dale paused, Brodie with Dale's left elbow in his mouth and Dale gnawing on Brodie's left hand.
"Brodie and Dale..."
I groaned, adjusting Tatum on my lap.
Ruff, ruff!
The little gremlin we affectionately know as Lux, Zuke's opinionated daughter, took off from trying to play with Luka's toy"s with him, to try and bite the front door.
I appealed to Mum.
"Would you like to tackle the Pup and whoever's at the door, or pry the Babies' limb's out of each other's mouth's?"
Mum winked.
"I'll take my Grandson's."
I huffed.
Of course she chose the Babies!
"You'll have to take Tatum as well."
I bargained.
Mum clapped her hand's.
"Hand her over."
I passed Heath's Daughter over to Mum, hopped to my feet and hurried around the end of the Lounge to rescue the door from my Puppy.
"Cut that out, Luxey-Loo."
I chided, scooping her up off the floor.
She looked like a Kelpie, but was too chunky and long, showing her Staffy and Great Dane genes.
Tucking the squirming Puppy against my left side, I pulled the front door open and found —
My eyes widened.
"Peyton! Blayze and Heath didn't tell me you were coming!"
I exclaimed.
Blayze's Cousin/Heath's Sister smiled sheepishly.
"Neither of them know's."
She shrugged.
"I thought I'd make it a surprise!"
"C'mon in!"
I stepped back and ushered her into the House.

Between Luka, Brodie, Dale, Zuke and Lux all vying for our guest's attention, it was a while before Mum, Peyton and I were able to have an actual conversation.
"I've been wanting to come back out here."
She explained, crossing her left leg over her right knee.
"I mean, my Little Brother is a Single Dad and I so want to get to know my gorgeous Niece."
"Speaking of!"
Eyes widening, Mum rose out of her armchair and adjusted her hold on Tatum.
"Uh, Mum..."
I muttered.
Unlike Brodie and Dale, you couldn't pop Tatum into just anybody's arm's.
If you weren't part of Tatum's trusted circle, you were likely to have your eardrum's burst by her screaming.
"And Kylie you're pregnant!"
Peyton exclaimed, gesturing to Mum's already noticeable belly.
She was 15 week's along, but apparently Quadruplet's didn't leave room for discretion.
Mum smiled.
"Let's make sure you've got a good grip on Little Miss Tatum before we unleash the truth on ya."
Tatum whimpered when she was suspended in mid air between Mum and Peyton.
Her little face scrunched up when Peyton held her so they could look into each other's faces.
Here we go...
Wincing, Mum backed toward's her chair.
"Hi Princess."
Peyton crooned.
Tatum's cheek's turned red.
Peyton adjusted her hold on the Baby Girl and tucked her against her body, so that Tatum's cheek rested against her shoulder.
Tatum sniffled.
Then she hiccuped.
Eyes widening, she turned her little face into Peyton's shoulder.
And to my shock, she turned her head to rest her cheek on Peyton and her blue eyes fluttered shut.
Peyton pointed to the hooded jumper she was wearing — which was admittedly a little baggy on her — and smiled.
"One of Heath's old jumper's."
She whispered.
"It must still smell enough like him that I seem familiar."
She'd come prepared!
"Heath doesn't tell you that I call and VideoChat at least twice a week?"
She asked, eyebrow's raised.
I rolled my eyes.
"He's a guy."
Peyton giggled!
Speaking of guy's...
"So how's thing's with-?"
Peyton looked over to Mum.
"What's the new's, Kylie? Heath told Me about Bridie. I'm so sorry."
Her brow's dipped into a frown and her lower lip jutted out.
Mum's smile faltered.
"Thank's honey. The new's, though, is that Jax and I are expecting Quad's!"
She placed her left hand gently over the soft, but obvious swell of her belly.
Peyton half gasped, half squealed and Tatum jolted.
"No way?!"
She whispered, shocked.
Smiling, Mum nodded.
Peyton whispered, eyes wide.
"So Peyton."
I folded my arm's under my chest.
She smiled as she turned back to me.
"Yeah honey?"
"How long do we get you for?"
I asked.
She grinned.
"My return home is not scheduled."
She shook her head.
"Just before you guy's get sick of seeing me, I might even hit the road and see some of our glorious country that I haven't seen yet!"
"You can stay for as long as you want, or need, Honey."
Mum assured her.
Peyton smiled weakly.
"Thank you."

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