Chapter Sixty Seven

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I laid in bed, flat on my back, staring toward's the dark ceiling.
Zuke's tail thumped lazily against the mattress — apparently nothing get's past my Dog!
Last night, Zuke refused to sleep anywhere but on Blayze and my bed, at my feet.
Normally the Dog's sleep on their bed or the Doggy armchair out in the Lounge Room.
Occasionally Azlan or Zuke sleep's on the floor in Blayze and my room.
Last night, after the third time Zuke asked to come up on the bed, I suggested that we let him just this once and Blayze finally gave in.
How the heck does a Dog know you're awake when you haven't moved or spoken?
In the quiet of the early morning, I tried to think of everything I/we had to do today, in order to make myself a bit of a mental checklist.
- Spend some bonding time with my Babies
- Visit Phoenix and the other Horses
- Meet Zuke and Zera's Puppies
- Check on Uncle Lukas and Aunt Bridey
- Figure out what the hell to do about what Mini Blayze dropped on us yesterday afternoon
And that didn't even include thing's like feeding, bathing and cleaning up after my Children!
I was yet to even roll out of bed and already felt tired.
Blayze's alarm went off, making me jump and Zuke lift his head off the mattress.
With a clearly unimpressed groan, Blayze rolled over and grabbed his phone off the bedside table.
Once the alarm was silenced, I turned onto my side to face him.
"Good morning, Husband!"
"Is it?"
Blayze grumbled, dropping his phone back onto the bedside table and flopping onto his back.
"The sun ain't even up and already there's a list as long as my arm of shit that's gotta get done!"
I shuffled across the mattress, until my body brushed against his.
"Well, I for one, am choosing to start the day with positive greeting's. Particularly to those I love."
I leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"You and your positivity."
Blayze grumbled, pulling me in for a proper kiss.

The kettle boiling, I grabbed mug's for myself, Blayze and Noah and set about making Blayze and I coffee and Noah a cup of tea.
"I don't know how you're up so early when you're unable to have coffee."
I voiced, crossing to the fridge to grab the milk.
Noah sighed dramatically; setting her elbow's onto the high section of the bench and cupping her chin in her hand's.
"I don't know what it is... The only conclusion I can come up with, is that this Baby hates sleep."
Frowning, I moved back to the bench.
"You were upstair's by nine last night. Are you getting much sleep?"
"I think so."
Noah smiled weakly,
"I'm usually out pretty soon after my head hit's the pillow. But four AM comes and bing I'm wide awake."
She rolled her eyes.
The kettle stopped and I crossed to the adjacent bench to grab it, then returned to Noah and the mug's.
"Maybe you should mention it to your Doctor."
I suggested.
Smiling slightly, Noah shook her head.
"You sound like Codie."
She rolled her eyes.
"But yes. I have an appointment on Wednesday and I plan to let her know."
I nodded and poured the boiled water into each of the mug's.
"What the hell are you doin' up, Miss Zannox?"
Blayze asked, walking into the kitchen, dressed in Wrangler jean's and a blue and white plaid shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow's.
"Waiting for-"
Noah stopped speaking when the front door eased open.
She has plan's at 5:30 in the-?
Heath stepped into the House, Tatum's head resting against his shoulder, the Baby asleep, his arm holding her securely and a black and purple bag hanging off his opposite shoulder.
"Good morning, Brother!"
I greeted, unable to hold back my amusement at the oh so obvious 'I'm not a morning person' expression on his face and his posture.
Heath shot me a disgruntled glare!
"She's determined to sprinkle positivity and annoyance on everybody today."
Blayze declared, wearing a teasing smirk as he grabbed his mug off the bench.
"I haven't stirred that yet!"
I warned.
Frowning, he set the cup back onto the bench and grabbed the teaspoon I'd been using.
"What's going on?"
I asked Noah.
"Well... I hope you don't mind... but so that Heath's been able to work, Tatum's been coming over."

When Blayze and Heath left to start work and Tatum was still asleep, Noah led me to the laundry to meet the Puppies!
"Put your best smiles on, everybody..."
She crooned, approaching the large bed where Zera laid.
Zera looked up at us with a look in her caramel coloured eyes that I couldn't quite decipher and gently wagged her tail.
A mass of blob's were squished in along Zera's belly.
For the most part, I could barely distinguish one puppy's body from the next!
"Hey Zere."
Noah crooned, kneeling down by the Mumma's head and giving her a pat.
I knelt by the side of the bed and scanned the Puppies' bodies, trying to count them.
I knew there was twelve, but I could only find eight, even after counting twice!
"Ummm... Noah... I think a few Puppies are missing!"
I squeaked.
Zera wagged her tail.
"What do you mean?!"
Noah asked.
I looked over at her to find her looking alarmed and shuffling over to my side.
"I've counted twice and can only find eight."
I explained.
Frowning, Noah reached into the bed and started to move the plump little bodies around.
I counted along with her, convinced that I wasn't just going crazy!
Zera watched on with an expression of mild concern as her Babies were moved around.
"Jeez Bail's!"
Noah mock punched my arm after setting the last Puppy back at Zera's side,
"You had me scared!"
"I'm sorry! Until you literally started picking them apart, it only seemed like there was eight!"
Smiling softly, Noah shook her head.
"Yes. They bundle up."
She nodded.
"But thankfully, they're all here! They're not able to walk yet, so the only other alternative would have been that Zera ate some!"
Smiling, I shook my head.

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